Status: Completed.


and I'm in riddles.

"Did Harry try to kill you?" Niall asked pulling himself up and the girl laughed as Harry relaxed his hands on the boat, still in the water.

"No. Tried to make me swim."

"Didn't work out well I see."

The girl glared at him and he laughed as he brushed back his wet hair, "Do you wanna go back? I feel like you're bored."

"What? No. I'm fine."

"You say that a lot."

She shrugged with a grin and he sat across from her in the floor, crossing his legs.

"What are you doing?" She asked chuckling.

"I'm going to stay right here."


"Because, I don't want to leave you here by yourself. I can keep you entertained."

She smiled, "But..."

"You're fine. I know."

She giggled and a smile hit his lips, "Just let me be nice, ok?"

She smiled, "Ok."

Shortly afterwards she joined him on the side of the boat watching the occasional fish swim by and talking about anything that came to mind. She had taken her life jacket off feeling comfortable enough around the boys.

"Yeah and Louis got me arrested! Well they didn't handcuff me, but they drove me home in their car!"

Niall was in a fit of laughter.

"Yeah wasn't funny when it was happening." She said with a smile and his eyes locked with hers. He boldly slid his hand over, letting his fingers run over hers. She grew nervous as he leaned in planning to just kiss her and see what happened but as his inched closer the pair was shoved into the water unwillingly. She screamed as she fell in and Harry's eyes diverted to where Liam stood laughing with Zayn. Before he could even speak he dove in the water to retrieve the girl who he could only imagine was panicking. He reached her within seconds and pulled her to the surface as she coughed and Louis helped him pull her onto the boat as Niall surfaced cursing out Liam instantly.

Harry pulled himself up and immediately went to the coughing girl. His heart was racing as he brushed her wet hair from her face.

"Hey, you're ok. You're ok." He repeated stroking her wet hair as she tried to breathe regularly. She nodded before laying back on the floor.

He hovered over her, her eyes meeting his as she breathed heavily.

"You ok?" He whispered his thumb rubbing over her cheek.

"Yeah. Thank you." She managed to get out.

"I told you I wouldn't let you drown didn't I?" He said with a small smirk and a grin hit her lips as she shut her eyes, "You did."

He grinned down at the girl even though her eyes were shut. The back of his hand gently brushing her cheek. If this wasn't enough to prove a point to Louis nothing was.

He glanced over at the others as Niall clearly was irrate and Liam and Zayn looked like they felt horrible.

"Let's go home, yeah?" He whispered and she immediately nodded. He kissed her forehead before standing up and walking over to the others, "Lets go." He grumbled and Zayn nodded before glancing over at the girl feeling like shit.

"Just apologize mate. You didn't know. She'll forgive you." Louis said knowing she of course would.

Niall rolled his eyes before leaving them and walking over to Olivia. She opened her eyes as a shadow covered the sun that was warming her up.

"Hi. Are you ok?" He asked softly and she nodded as she slowly sat up.

He sat beside her instantly, not caring that his own throat burned from the salt water he inhaled. He pulled her into his lap and cuddled her to him.

"Scared me." He mumbled causing her to chuckle, "Why?"

"Because when I came up I couldn't find you. Scared the shit out of me, but Harry had already pulled you onto the boat."

"Guess he didn't lie."

He chuckled wrapping his arms around her as they headed back to the pier. He kissed her cheek and tried to keep her warm in his arms.

"I like you, Olivia." He whispered relaxing his chin on her shoulder causing her heart to race.

"I have dreadful timing, but I was going to tell you that before we almost died."

She let out a laugh and he gave her a light squeeze.

"I like you too." She whispered as her eyes diverted to Harry who was unable to stop staring at her. He felt so much for her and he didn't know why. The panic he felt when she was underwater almost made him pass out. All he knew was that he had to save her. There was nothing he wouldn't have done to do so. He sighed running his hand through his hair as Louis eyed him, "You just saved a girl's life without even remotely thinking it through." He said as if Harry didn't know.

Harry shrugged, "I'm human. What do you expect?"

"I couldn't even move dude." He said honestly.

"Yeah well, I just reacted quickly." He mumbled his eyes never leaving the girl in Niall's arms.

The group finally arrived back at the pier and the walk to the house was silent. Once in the house Zayn quickly grabbed her arm, "Olivia, I am so, so, so sorry. Honestly. I feel like shit." He said his dark eyes so sad it made her hug him, "It's ok. You didn't know. Seriously. I forgive you. I should have told you guys."

"No. It was stupid." He mumbled hugging her back.

"It's ok." She said giving him a grin and he kissed her cheek, "Are we still friends?"

"Of course."

"Are we?" Liam asked looking guilty as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

She nodded and stepped to him to hug him as well.

"I'm sorry."

"Like I said, you didn't know. It's ok."

"Ok." He mumbled kissing her head before she pulled away. She smiled and messed with his hair, "It's fine. Seriously. Go get de-beached and let's go out somewhere."

Liam smiled, "Ok."

Everyone went to change and Olivia's eyes diverted to Harry who was leaned against the couch watching her.

"You ok?" She asked and he grinned, "I should ask you that."

"I'm good."

He nodded pushing off from the couch, "Are you and Niall like..."

"I don't know really. Why?" She fumbled out a bit uncomfortable by his question.

The boy shrugged, "Just wondering...."

She eyed him and he rubbed his neck awkwardly, "I'm going to go change."

"Ok..." She whispered watching him walk off leaving her a bit confused. She finally forced herself to her room to change only to find Louis on her bed fully clothed.

"Oh hi." She said with a weird look and he waved at her to shut the door.

"What?" She asked once the door was safely shut.

"Oh I don't you fancy Niall?" He asked with a smirk and the girl rolled her eyes, "Maybe."

"Maybe aye?" He said his smile growing and she groaned, "Ok. I do. So what?"

Louis shrugged, "Oh nothing. Just hearing you admit it is enough for me."

The girl rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

"He fancies you. A lot."

She blushed as she dug through her closet for something to wear.

"Cool..." She said calmly and he chuckled, "Wow, you do actually like him..."

"Shut up and get out so I can change."

He laughed his way out and she rolled her eyes as she went to shower and get ready. Surprisingly, it took her less than an hour to do so and when she walked out of the room she passed Zayn who was still doing his hair in the mirror.

"Such a girl." She teased and he shot her a look as she continued on her way laughing. Niall's eyes lit up once she walked into the living room and she immediately felt a blush hit her cheeks. Harry glanced up his eyes never leaving the girl as she sat beside Niall.

"We probably shouldn't stay out late since you guys have that thing tomorrow."

Harry scoffed, "Oh love. Sweet of you. But we've done it before. Trust me."

"Any other rules mom?" Louis joked and she rolled her eyes, "Nope. I mean, the don't bring a girl home when this isn't your home applies."

"I'm not Harry. So it won't happen."

Harry rolled his eyes, "First of all I do have some respect and I wouldn't do that either." He grumbled as Zayn walked in annoucing he was done and they could leave.

"Well what happens if the girl I'm bringing home is actually who's home it is?" Niall asked smiling as he linked their hands.

"Ha, ha. So witty you are." She joked and he mocked her, "Ha, ha." He repeated grabbing her chin and placing his lips on hers.

She smiled as they pulled away and he pecked her lips once more before pulling her from the house happily.

"So where to?" Louis asked as he stopped at her car.

"My friends are having a bonfire not too far from here on the beach."

"You've become such an American." Louis joked and she shoved him before they laughed and got ino the car.

"Wait. We might get raped. How old are these people?" Harry asked and Olivia laughed, "No one is going to rape you. They're over 15."

"Asshole." Niall said giving her a playful grin and she shoved him lightly causing him to laugh. The drive was short and once they arrived Liam grew excited, "Settle down you Brit." Olivia said jokingly and he rolled his eyes, "I've never been to a bonfire!"

"I see that."

Niall laughed as he stepped beside her, boldly taking her hand in his. She flashed him a smile as they walked over to a group of people who was apparently trying to get a fire started.

"Olivia!" A blonde girl yelled before making her way through the sand to her.

"Maci." She said dropping Niall's hand to hug the girl who whispered to her, "Uh, is that One Direction behind you?"

Olivia couldn't help but laugh, "Yes. My cousin..." She said pointing to Louis who waved with a grin.

"You never told me he was a popstar!" She mumbled and Olivia laughed, "Sorry, didn't find it important."

"How is that not important?" Harry asked placing his hands on his hips.

"Oh I'm sorry. Maci this is Harry, the popstar."

The boys laughed and Harry rolled his eyes, "Why I put up with her I'll never know."

"Right, and this is Liam, Zayn and Niall."

An exchange of 'hellos' made it around before the guys were introduced to the rest of the group.

"Oh my gosh. Zayn is so hot." Maci whispered as they watched the guys socialize.

Olivia laughed, "He's pretty cute...and single."

Maci raised her eyebrow, "Oh? I accept the change."

Olivia laughed as she watched her friend casually walk over to Zayn.

"What did you do?" Harry asked chuckling as he crossed his arms.

"Nothing. Just match making you know..."

His blue eyes locked with the girl's green ones and a smile hit her lips.

"What?" She finally asked and he shook his head before moving his hair from his eyes, "Nothing."

"You're lying."

He chuckled shoving his hands into his pockets feeling the chill rise in the air, "How would you know?"

"You aren't a good liar. Your eyes give it all away."

"Blu eyes don't lie." He joked and she laughed, "Must be true."

"Come on. It's cold." She added grabbing his wrist and tugging him to the bonfire to warm up. The sun was now setting and the group of people grew quickly.

"Freezing." She said rubbing her hands together regretting her choice to wear shorts. She should have known better.

Harry tugged off his cardigan he had thrown over his low v-neck and placed it around her shoulders.

"No, you'll freeze."

He chuckled, "I just came from England. This is nothing. It's been too long for you apparently."

She chuckled, "Guess so. Thanks." She whispered sliding her arms into the sweater that smelled strongly of him.


"You know, if I was Niall, I wouldn't let you out of my sight." He added as he diverted his eyes to the blazing fire and he shoved his hands back into the front pockets of his jeans.

"Why?" She questioned glancing over at him and he shrugged not daring to look over, "I would be scared someone would steal you from me."

Olivia couldn't move from his words, and he chuckled to himself, "Probably wouldn't be a good thing. I'm glad I'm not Niall...then again, I'm not the relationship type really..." He mumbled as he shook his head in order for his hair to move from his eyes.

Olivia didn't know what was happening. Harry seemed almost vulnerable and she honestly didn't know how to take it. Yes, he had been quiet since arriving, but this was new. Before she could even speak Louis walked over handing Harry a beer which he gladly accepted. Louis gave her a weird look as she just stared at the boy beside her.

"You ok?" Her cousin questioned.

"Yeah, fine. Where's Niall?" She asked and he pointed over to where Niall and Liam sat in the sand. Her eyes locked with the blonde boy's and he waved her over with a smile. Before considering walking over she glanced at Harry who had been approached by a girl she didn't know.

Things were growing more and more confusing for her.
♠ ♠ ♠
...And it begins. ;)

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