Status: Completed.


Why can't you look at me like that?

Olivia sat beside Niall in the sand and he leaned in kissing her cheek.

"Hey you. Want a drink?" Liam asked and she nodded, "Thanks."

He smiled before getting up and leaving the pair alone.

"You smell like Harry." Niall stated scrunching up his nose and she laughed, "Yeah, this is his jacket. Then again, how do you know what he smells like?"

"Oh. We have a cuddle occasionally." He joked causing her to giggle.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and scooted closer to her, "Kidding, but I live with the boy basically so I know what he smells like."


"It's my story, I'm sticking to it."

She laughed once more and he smiled brushing her hair from her face, "Are you going to come with us tomorrow for the signing? I think we're playing a few songs as well."

"Oh yeah? Well I just might have to. I haven't seen Louis sing with you guys so I'd like to see that."

"Then you should come."

"I will."

He grinned as Liam walked over holding out a cup to her, "Thank you."

"Hey it's the least I can do since I almost killed you."

She groaned, "Let it go."

He chuckled and fell into the sand beside her, his own plastic cup in his hand. It was going to be an interesting night.

Several cups in and a few hours later, half of the group was intoxicated and Olivia being one of the main ones.

"Louis!" She yelled at a whisper as she fell into his lap. The boy laughed as he looked down at his drunken cousin.

"I haven't seen you this pissed in forever." He said and she chuckled, "I haven't been in forever."

Harry was sitting beside Louis, talking to the girl he met right when he arrived, but his eyes instantly diverted to Olivia once he heard her voice. Shockingly, he was only a bit buzzed and yet not enough to stop her from consuming his mind.

"Maybe we should go." Harry offered noticing the girl looked tired.

"Harry." She spoke, smiling drunkenly and Louis chuckled, "Oh man. This is funny."

She tried to stand and Harry immediately jumped up, grabbing her waist to balance her.

"Whoa, maybe you should sit." He said seriously, sobering up quicker than he thought possible.

"Harry." The blonde girl said and his eyes moved to her where she sat with a bored look on her face. Yeah, she was very attractive, but not enough to leave the girl he was pining over.

"I'm fine. Go back to what you were doing. I'm going to go find Niall." Olivia said placing her hands on his chest.

"Liv..." He said calmly and her eyes locked with his.

"Come on. Let me take you home." He added ignoring the now annoying blonde girl and Olivia's words.

Harry..." Olivia breathed and he rolled his eyes, "Olivia."

She sighed and he brushed her hair back, "Ready?"

She nodded giving in. The thought of her bed changing her mind.

"Louis, I need the car keys." He said not bothering to look away from the girl in his arms.

"Uh, walk. It's not even 5 minutes from here."


Louis nodded as Olivia cuddled to Harry's chest for warmth.

"Louis..." Harry said seriously and the boy sighed, "Let me go get everyone else. Olivia was right. We do have to get up early anyways."

Harry sat in the sand with the girl cradled in his lap. The blond girl had clearly given up since she had walked away minutes ago, but he didn't care.

"I seem to always end up taking care of you and it's not even a week in." Harry joked as he stroked her dark hair.

"It's because you're sweet."

He chuckled, "Hardly."

"To me you are."

Harry didn't respond to that simply because he knew she was right.

"Ready." Louis said dragging Zayn as Liam and Niall laughed behind them.

Harry shot Niall a look. What kind of boyfriend was he? Well, they weren't together, but like Harry said earlier, He would have never even left her side. They climbed from the sand and Harry held her hand as they walked to the car.

"I can't drive." Olivia said seriously and Harry chuckled, "I know love. Liam is driving."

"He's a good guy."

Harry couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah, he is."

"Liam." She said once in the car and she leaned in between the two seats. The boy in the driver seat laughed, "Yes?"

"You're great."

"Well thank you, Liv. You're pretty great yourself."

She patted his head and Harry chuckled pulling her down into her seat and buckling her up, "Settle down, love."

Niall hopped into the car after Zayn and sat beside Olivia.

"Hey you." He whispered kissing her cheek and she flashed him a smile, "Hi."

He linked his fingers with hers and kissed the top of her hand, "You're a bit...shall we say, drunk."

She laughed, "I blame Liam."

"What?! You just said I'm awesome!"

"Yeah! But you kept giving me drinks!"

"You kept asking for them!"

"Got to learn to say no to a pretty girl, Liam." Zayn joked.

"Whatever." The boy mumbled as they pulled up at her house. Niall helped her out of the car and Harry sighed. Could he just not go away for a while?

Niall helped her inside, chuckling at how she kept trying to talk to Liam. While Harry forced himself to his room trying to let whoever worry about the girl although it killed him to do so.

He sighed as he pulled off his shirt and changed into some basketball shorts before Louis entered. Louis looked at him and before he could speak Olivia walked into the room her shoes now off and Harry's sweater still wrapped around her.

"Louis..." She said sitting on the boy's bed.

He chuckled, "Yes?"

"I've missed you." She said frowning and he grinned sitting across from her, "I've missed you too."

"Stay here."

"I would love to, but you know I can't do that."

She sighed, "Would be awesome. You and me living here."

He grinned, "Yeah it would, huh?"

She nodded and he gave her hand a squeeze, "I swear to you I'll come visit more often ok? 2 years is unacceptable."


He cupped her face and kissed her forehead, "I'm going to shower. Stay out of trouble."

Harry chuckled as he messed with his hair before fixing the blanket on the bed.

"Oh. Here's your sweater." She stated and he looked over at her as she tried to take it off.

"You can keep it." He whispered before climbing into the bed. She studied him as he looked over at her, "Come on." He said boldly as he lifted the cover up exposing his well toned frame.

She hesitated before sliding into the bed with him. He pulled the blanket over her and shivered from the feeling of her against him.

"Sleepy." She whispered, closing her eyes as she warmed up.

He placed his arm around her, shutting his eyes as her breath hit his chest. This was so wrong and yet so right all at the same time.

"Harry..." She whispered and he mumbled a huh back.

"Do you like me?" She asked knowing she wouldn't do so if she was sober.

His eyes shot open and his fingers tracing her back came to a stop.

"You like Niall..." He said knowing he took the coward way out.

"Right. Because you're a player." She said her eyes still shut, sleep theatening to take over.

Harry let out a sigh, "You don't know me, Olivia..."

"I'm trying to." She whispered and his fingers ran into her soft hair.

"And I'm trying to let you, love." He responded softly. He really was. He was trying to prove everyone wrong, to show her who he truly was. He wasn't that boy everyone told her about that was for sure.

She fell asleep seconds later and he knew from how her hold on him loosened and her breathing evened out. He just laid there twirling her hair and thinking too much.

"Bloody hell Harry just tell her." Louis said startling him from his daze. Louis shook his head in disbelief and slid into his own bed.

"No. She thinks I'm some slag." He grumbled, "And yet, has Niall checked to see where the hell she is? No...I just don't get it."

"Well, just prove that you're better."

"How? By sleeping with her? I mean I'm not good at anything else! I can't woo a girl for anything other than sex."

"Give yourself some credit."

Harry sighed knowing he was right, "Goodnight."


The boy eventually fell into a dreamless sleep and when he woke up the next morning the girl was still pressed to him.

He shut his eyes tightly as he wrapped his arms around her to keep the warmth close. Either he needed to admit to her what he felt or forget her all together. He couldn't decide.

He glanced at the clock on the nightstand only to realize it was 9 in the morning. Their signing wasn't until noon but knowing the others he should probably get them up to get ready.

"Olivia..." He whispered which came out a lot rougher since he had been sleep.

"Mhm." She mumbled and he ran his fingers ino her hair, "Hung over?" He asked softly with a chuckle.

"Not really. Just tired. Lets go back to sleep." She said burying her face into his shoulder.

He chuckled, "We can't. We have that signing today, remember? And you said you would go."

"No." She mumbled and he tried to keep calm as her hand touched his side. He let out a sigh, giving in to her touch and pulling her to his chest.

"Well, I have to go regardless. So I need to get up."

"No." She repeated holding on to him tightly. His nerves were now everywhere thanks to her.

He pressed his hand against her hair, "Olivia..."

She raised up to look at him and he leaned in kissing her forehead, "Go be mean and wake up everyone else."

"Ok." She whispered her eyes locking with his. It was weird really. She liked Niall, she really did, but Harry...something about the boy pulled her in. She didn't know if it was his green eyes and bright smile or the way he acted around her. She was unsure really, but it was starting to give her an unsettling feeling. He finally removed his arm from her and watched her as she climbed off him and left the room. Harry let out a sigh and covered his face with his arms. This was becoming too much. He didn't sign up for this.

"She makes me so bloody nervous and I don't know why." He mumbled knowing Louis was up as he heard him move around.

"You like her, Harry." He responded as if it should all make sense, but it didn't to him. Not at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. I have nothing to say here.

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