Status: Completed.


When you walk by

"Zayn Malik!" Olivia said quickly jumping on the sleeping boy's bed. He groaned trying to pull the cover over his head.

"Get up popstar!"

"I hate you." He grumbled and she laughed as she hopped from the bed, "Well hate me while you get ready because we need to leave soon."

"Fine." He mumbled as she noticed Niall's bed was empty. She left the room only to run straight into the boy who was already up and ready.

"There you are." He responded with a smile.

"Oh you're up."

"Shocking I know."

She smiled, "I need to go get ready..."

"And thennnn...spend some time with me before we leave?"

She laughed, "Yes. That is exactly what I was going to say next."

He chuckled, "Perfect. See you soon then."

She laughed her way to her room and took the next 30 minutes to shower and get ready. Once she emerged she wasn't surprised to find Zayn still working on his hair. She chuckled passing the bathroom and checking in on Louis who was spraying cologne and Harry was pacing the room singing softly. She had never heard him sing. Not yet anyways and she stopped in the doorway as he continued.

"Dude. What are we singing?" Harry asked stopping his footsteps and Louis shrugged, "I think one thing. Niall's going to play acoustically so yeah."

Harry nodded and looked up doing a double take once he saw Olivia.

"Hi." Harry spoke nervously and Louis looked over and chuckled as he checked out his hair once more.

"Are you done with your hair?" She asked laughing at the boy and he rolled his eyes, "I'm not Zayn. Yes I'm done."

She chuckled, "Good. Let's try and get there a bit early."

Harry nodded and she left the room with a smile. Louis immediately chuckled, "Seeing you act like that with a girl amuses me I must say..."

"Shut up." The boy grumbled as he threw on his blazer before leaving the room.

"Hi." Olivia said noticing Niall on the couch. He grinned and sat in his lap.

"Hi." He responded wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You look cute." She said fixing a piece of his hair.

"Not as cute as you." He whispered leaning and kissing her cheek softly.

She laughed causing him to smile, "It's true."

"Well thank you, Niall."

He nodded and kissed her lips without much thought.

"So, I was thinking..." He whispered bringing his hand to her cheek, "That maybe I could take you on a date sometime soon?"



She nodded and he grinned, "Brilliant."

She kissed him as he pulled away and he let out a laugh, "...Or we can just keep kissing."

She nodded once more and he pulled her closer, allowing his lips to touch hers again.

A clear of someone's throat finally broke the pair apart. They both looked up to see Louis with crossed arms, "Can you stop snogging my cousin so we can go?"

Olivia blushed as Niall rolled his eyes, "Fine. Let's go."

He kissed her cheek before helping her up and grabbed a hold of her hand as they made their way out of the house.

"Awe. You guys look cute." She stated to the group.

"Of course I do." Zayn said causing her to laugh, "Of course."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Full of it."

"You look the cutest." She said elbowing him with a wink and he rolled his eyes once more although his now heart raced.

"You are." She said flashing him a smile.

"Darling, I don't think Niall would like to hear that." He responded with a smirk, trying to pull himself together.

"You act like he's my boyfriend, plus, that's why I said it softly." She joked with another wink and he couldn't help but laugh. She was holding out on him. She was more playful than he assumed and he liked it.

"I'm sick of driving you British bitches everywhere." Olivia stated.

"Oye! I had to drive your drunk ass home last night and you're British too!" Liam stated and she laughed, "Not anymore...and did you try to drive on the other side of the road?"

"You're an asshole!"

She laughed and Harry chuckled from the backseat. She was something else.

"So, are we meeting you manager, boss, someone? Or are you winging it?" She asked as they parked and they laughed, "No. Rob our manager should be here already."

"Can I be the body guard?" She joked and Niall stifled a laugh as they got out, "Uh, for who? Louis?"

Louis punched the boy's arm, "Fuck you."

"I'll protect you, Louis." Olivia said crossing her arms with a stern face causing Harry to laugh as they crossed the street, "And then I'll protect both of you." He stated as they snuck around the building in order to hide from fans.

"I have a feeling this would end with Zayn protecting all of us."

"What?!" The boys said in sync and Zayn laughed throwing his arm over her shoulders, "Did I mention you are hands down my favorite fake American?"


He chuckled as they entered the music store from the back only to be greeted by the boys manager.

"There you are! Zayn, seriously? You come from the car to here and find a girl?" Rob asked.

"She's my cousin." Louis said with an eye roll.

"Oh...well, yeah now that you said that I can see it a bit..."

"Don't insult her." Liam joked and Louis groaned, "I'm over all of you."

Rob laughed, "Well, can you guys go out and sign shit and what not?"


"Be nice to her, Rob." Louis said with a serious look and she laughed, "I'm going to roam around the store while everyone is drooling over Harry."

"Why Harry?!"

"He's the Nick Carter of the band!"

"Who the fuck is Nick Carter?" Zayn asked and Olivia laughed, "He was in the Backstreet Boys. Sorry, you probably weren't born when they came out."

"Ok, can we escort her out?!"

Olivia laughed as she left the back to browse the rows of cds and movies as the guys walked out to a screaming group of girls. The line was already down the road which made her laugh. She had to check out Louis that was for sure. She just didn't see him being the one to handle that so well.

After an hour of browsing the racks of music she ended up buying several cds before walking over to where the boys were still signing things. She chuckled watching as Harry leaned over the table to take a picture with a young girl.

As he sat back down his eyes caught hers and a smile hit his lips.

"Aye girl. Are you waiting on a picture with me?" He joked and she rolled her eyes. A laugh escaped his lips and he sent her a wink before focusing on the girl before him. He was going to win her over even if it killed him.

"Aye boy Niall is going to kick your ass if you keep that up." Louis mocked and Harry's eyes shot down the table to see Niall glaring at him.

"What?" He asked innocently and Louis shook his head, "Something will be said."

"I don't care. Just being friendly."


Harry chuckled before sweeping his hair from his face. He was confident in winning. He needed to be himself again, not this shy, weird boy he became around her.

After they did the signing they set up to play a small set for the people who had won tickets to it.

Harry tapped his fingertips on his knee as Niall fiddled with the guitar. He always got butterflies before performing, but with her here they were in overload.

Niall began playing and the girls screaming would have usually made Harry tune out, but for some reason his eyes wouldn't move from the girl not far from him.

He didn't even hear Liam starting singing but on que he sang his apart, "Shot me out of the sky. You're my kryptonite. You keep making me weak. Yeah, frozen and can't breathe..." He sang unable to even move maybe because his words were more serious than he was aware.

Louis elbowed him and he shook his head embarrassed before he had to sing again. This was ridiculous.

Olivia watched from the crowd, truly mesmerized by the singing guys. She of course knew Louis was amazing but the others seemed to fall right into the same catagory which meant all together it was amazing.

Once the show ended they waved to the crowd as Rob told her to follow him quickly. The pair walked to the back to wait on the guys which joined them seconds later.

"So?" Louis said throwing his arms around her with a smile.

"Uh, amazing. I mean that."

His smile widened, "Good. I'm glad you liked it."

She smiled before he yelled over to Rob and walked away.

Niall scooped her up and spun her around causing her to giggle.

"And were you just completely amazed?"

She laughed, "Yes, actually I was."

He smiled before kissing her nose, "Good. Apparently Rob needs to have a chat, but I'll be right back."

"Ok." She responded and he pecked her lips as he put her on the floor before sprinting off.

Harry shoved his hands in his pockets trying not to look at the girl as he grew nervous. Hopefully she didn't catch him staring at her during the song.

"I say we go out tonight." Zayn said breaking his thoughts and he quickly nodded, "Yeah. We should."

Zayn looked over at the girl and she shrugged, "Why not? I'm not drinking, so sure."

"You say that now little one." Zayn responded patting her head.

"Let's get out of here." Louis said popping up from no where.

Olivia nodded and the boy threw his arm over her shoulders as they left the building.

"To be such a little girl you are causing a big ruckus."


He shook his head with a grin, "Nothing..."


"What? Niall likes you, you like Niall, and Harry, well, he's Harry, yeah?"

She gave him a questionable look and he shook his head once more.

"Are you talking in code because I'm not understanding it yet..."

He chuckled and pulled away from her as they reached her car. She shot him a look before climbing in. She was unsure about what he meant, but a part of her worried she already knew it had to do with the weird thing she felt between herself and Harry.
♠ ♠ ♠

Thanks for commenting;
Unbroken13 (Thanks, I fixed that!)
HeyTherePerson25 (Thanks for that! lol)