Status: Completed.


I try to say it.

"Can we sleep? Before we go out?" Liam asked from the backseat as they headed to Olivia's.

"Why not." Olivia stated chuckling as she drove them back home. By the time they arrived, Liam was asleep against the window and Zayn had to shake him to get him out.

"Sleepy." Liam mumbled and Olivia laughed letting him in the house first.

"Go sleep in Louis's bed." She said so the boy wouldn't have to sleep on the couch.

Louis shot her a look and she rolled her eyes, "You can sleep in my room."

"Fine..." He grumbled and she shoved him lightly, "Go nap if that's what you're wanting to do."

"I will!"

She chuckled and Niall grabbed her around the waist, "I think I'm going to sleep as well."


He kissed her cheek before dropping his arms and walking to his room. Olivia sighed and fell onto the couch and Harry debated on sitting beside her or in the chair by the window. She still made him nervous. He finally decided on sitting on the couch just at the other end.

"Are you going to go out with us tonight?" He asked and she shook her head, "No, I really need to study, I haven't all weekend and I have a test Tuesday."

Harry nodded and she spoke, "Are you?"

A smile hit the boy's lips, "I don't have a test coming up so yes, I believe so."

She rolled her eyes and he smiled, "Why? Want me to stay?"

"And distract me? I think not."

He chuckled, "Why would I be distracting?!"

She smiled, "When are you ever not?"

He pretended to pout causing her to laugh, "Are you going to take a nap too?"

"Nah, I'm not old. I don't need a nap."


"Hey, you're the old one." He teased.

"True, which means, I'm going to nap."

"But you aren't going out."

"I need rest to study. Duh."

"Right. Well go on." He said waving her off.

"And how do you feel about me sleeping in your bed since Louis is in mine?"

He chuckled, "It's your house, love."

"But your using the bed."

"Not right now am I? Go." He said with a smile.

"You sure?"

He rolled his eyes before standing and grabbing the girl up, carrying her bridal style to his bed.

"I said yes, didn't I?" He whispered since Liam was passed out in the other bed.

She nodded trying to contain her nerves as she stared up at him his green eyes seeming to burn into hers. He forced his eyes away before pulling off her shoes and pulling the blanket over her.

"There." He whispered sitting beside her and she spoke quietly, "Hey Harry..."

"Mhm?" He hummed brushing her hair back softly. She tuged on his arm and he didn't have to respond to know what she wanted. He gently laid beside her, wrapping his arm around her securely. No, he wasn't tired at all, but he wouldn't pass up being close to her although his heart was now beating wildly.

She really didn't have an explanation for it. Just that last night they had slept the same way and she surprisingly liked it more than she assumed she should.

He pressed his lips to her shoulder once he realized she had fallen asleep. The girl was pressed against his chest and he debated on just staying with her for the night, but he knew Niall would question it and he didn't want a fight.

He finally forced himself up slowly in order not to disturb her and covered her up gently before leaving. He let out a sigh once in the hall. He needed these two months to go ahead and end, because by then he would be a mess thanks to her.

Two hours later the guys were up and ready to go. Olivia was still asleep and Harry glanced over at her after he slid on his shoes. He needed to just get over it. This was too much for him. He walked over to her and ran his fingers into her hair, "Olivia..." He whispered causing her to tighten her closed eyes.

"Hey, Liv, we're leaving now. I'll lock the door."

"Ok. You guys please be careful." She mumbled causing him to chuckle, "We will. Won't be out late."

"Ok. Have fun."

He kissed her cheek before leaving the room with a smile. Nevermind. He knew he wasn't going to give up any time soon.

"Ready?" Louis asked with a smirk and he nodded before following them out. He locked up like he said he would and sprinted to the car with no intention of what was going to happen to happen.

"Do you like Olivia?" Niall asked Harry once several drinks had been digested.


"Do you like Olivia? I see how you are with her."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Sorry I'm nice to her."

"Oh you know it isn't that."

"Yes it is. In fact, that girl right over there has been eye flirting with me for the past hour and I now feel like it's time to make my move, mate." He said confidently as he got up from the table causing Louis to roll his eyes just because he knew the truth.

Harry made his way over to the blonde and it wasn't long after that he found himself making out with the girl. It was funny though really. Not that he didn't enjoy it, he just couldn't help but think of the girl he had no claim on. Why she had so much power over his thoughts he didn't know. If anything it aggravated him and made him want to find some way to forget the girl.

It was now 3 in the morning and Olivia couldn't help but worry simply because they barely knew their way home none the less how to get anywhere else. She sighed and shut the book she had been studying for hours just as the front door unlocked and opened.

She looked over to see 4 boys walking in laughing.

"Olivia!" Zayn said with a drunken grin. She couldn't help but chuckle, "Have fun?"

"Yeah. You should have came." Liam stated patting her head.

"Where's Harry?" She asked noticing the boy was missing.

"I don't know. I think he went home with some girl." Louis said with a wave of his hand like it wasn't a big deal and for some reason her heart fell into her stomach.

"Yeah, now I feel bad for accusing him of liking Olivia." Niall said sitting beside the girl and she tried not to look as confused as she was.

Louis watched Olivia as she gathered up her books.

"Well, you drunk kids need to go to bed and I'm exhausted so I'll see you all in the morning."

The boys all said goodnight and she went in her room with a sigh. She didn't understand why she was so hurt about Harry not being here. As she placed her books in her bag Louis had slipped in without notice until he spoke, "You like Harry."

She looked over a bit startled as he shut the door with a slightly intoxicated grin.

"I do not."

"You do. I can tell. I know you pretty well, Olivia."

She stared up at her cousin from the floor and decided to just admit it.

"Fine..I uh, yeah...I kind of do." She fumbled out and he chuckled, "You are making a mess, Liv. But none the less, Harry likes you."

"What?" She asked with raised eyebrows and he nodded, "Yeah, he does. I've never seen him act the way he does around you."

"That means nothing..."

He chuckled, "It does."

"And yet he went home with someone else."

"Yeah, he did. Doesn't mean he necessarily did anything."

"Oh come on we both know that isn't true, but it really doesn't matter..." She mumbled climbing onto her bed.

"Not stopping you from flirting with Niall is it?"

"That's different."


"He's different then Harry..."

"Right, he is...I also think Harry likes you more."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm going to sleep."

"Mhm. Right. Well goodnight."

She mumbled goodnight as he left before crawling into her blanket. Admitting she liked him seemed to make it more real and she hated that.

She forced herself to sleep even though she wasn't that tired. That of course meant she got up extremely early and she decided to go make coffee instead of lying in bed. She knew the guys wouldn't be up before noon so why waste her day? She threw on a hoodie over her tank top before making her way to the kitchen only to come to a halt once she saw Harry creeping in the front door. His eyes locked with hers and the pair stared at each other in awkwardness for a while before she forced a smile and headed into the kitchen. He sighed, shutting the door quietly and following her.

Harry walked in slowly and watched her as she made coffee in silence. He rested his arms on the island as she grabbed a cup from the cabinet.

"You had me a bit worried." She finally said and his eyes finally met hers, "What? Why?"

"Because your drunk friends really didn't know where you were and I mean, I didn't even know if you remembered how to get here and yeah..."

"I'm sorry. Really. Maybe we should exchange numbers so that won't happen again."

She shrugged trying to seem like she really didn't care as she watched the coffee make. He breathed in a bit taken off guard that she felt like that. He really didn't expect it, but on the other hand he welcomed it in a weird way.

"Nothing happened you know." He said honestly, feeling like he needed to tell her that. Her thinking something did would be worse. He had initially went home with the girl in order to in fact sleep with her, but he couldn't go through with it no matter how hard he tried.

"Harry, really, you don't have to tell me anything. It's not a big deal."

"Yes it is."

She chuckled, "It's not. Who you sleep with is definitely your business."

He sighed raising up and stepping beside her, "You would be right, but I didn't sleep with anyone."

She shrugged, "Not really something I need to know."

"Yes it is." He said placing his hand on the counter she was leaned against. He didn't want her confirming the thing she already assumed; that he was some sort of player.

"What if I would have?" He asked seriously, deciding to stop being coy with the girl.

She shrugged, "It's your life, Harry. We would still be here making coffee like this."

He shook his head and pinned her between him and the counter, "Would you be upset?" He asked at a whisper, his face inches from hers.

"I have no right to be upset." She challenged and he smirked, "Not what I asked."

She rolled her eyes forcing herself to push him back and he grabbed her wrist, "Olivia..."

She pulled her hand from his grasp and he rolled his eyes, "Stop being so bloody stubborn."

"Yeah? Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you're trying to get me to say so you won't have to!"

He couldn't help but grin simply because they had never talked to each other like this and it amused him that she raised her voice.

She shoved him away and he watched her pour coffee into a cup. She was a bit frustrated now so she knew it was best to just keep quiet.

"You're proper cute." He said not holding back and she rolled her eyes as she sat her cup down, "Can you like go away?" She said causing him to chuckle at her anger.

"Come take a walk with me." He said calmly as he grabbed her hand. She huffed in anger which he ignored as he pulled her from the house.

"I'm in pajamas."

"Yeah? Well I'm in clothes I wore yesterday so we're even."

She rolled her eyes once her feet hit the warm sand. His fingers linked with hers as they walked slowly, no destination in mind.

"You swear you didn't sleep with her?" She finally gave in and asked. She hated sounding like she cared, but the truth was she did.

Harry gave her hand a squeeze, "I swear."

"In that case, yes I am glad you didn't." She whispered honestly, not daring to look over at the boy.

"Me too." He replied as she pulled him to the edge of the water. He watched her, her hand in his lightly as she kicked the water, walking a bit ahead of him. His hand slipped from hers and he sat in the sand as she picked up a sea shell.

"So do you think you'll forget this place when you leave?" She asked running her thumb over the smooth surface of the shell.

He grinned showing off his dimples as she sat not too far from him, "I could never forget you, Liv."

She sighed laying back in the sand and he leaned over her, "Do you really like Niall?" H asked scrunching his eyebrows together. The question sounding more serious then their conversation had been.

"How many times are you going to ask me that before I get an answer for why you do?"

He shook his head before falling on his back beside her. This was becoming pointless.

"I don't want you to like Niall no more than you want me to sleep with some random girl." He finally said softly and she turned to look at him. His eyes were closed thanks to the sun beaming down and she simply stared at him.

"But why though?"

He shrugged not able to admit what he really wanted to say. She sighed letting her head hit the sand once more. This was never going to go anywhere apparently.

"I'm going back inside." She finally said forcing herself up from the sand. Harry's eyes shot open and he watched her as she dusted the sand off and made her way inside. He groaned and shut his eyes tightly.

How could he manage to take so many steps forward only to go back several more once he had her in a place to admit his feelings?
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Harry. :(

Oh, if any of you read my John O'Callaghan story, Never Alone, the sequel is up! :)

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