Status: Completed.


But then I freeze

Olivia didn't bother to ask if Harry was coming back inside or not. She was too aggravated now. She went back to the kitchen pouring out her now cold coffee before making another cup.

"Oh you're up." Louis said and she looked up immediately, "Yep."

"Did Harry show up?"

"He's outside." She mumbled and he eyed her suspeciously, "What's wrong?"

"He's an idiot." She said looking up and he made a face, "What does that mean?"

"Meaning she's mad at me for who knows why." Harry said walking into the kitchen and the girl rolled her eyes, "Am not."

"You are." Harry responded confidently.

"Ugh! Tell him to go away." She said in aggravation.

Louis looked between the two hoping for some sort of answer for the hostile enviorment he was now in, "Harry, just go in there. I'll talk to you in a moment." He finally said when he received zero information.

Harry rolled his eyes and mumbled a whatever as he left. Louis looked back over at the girl who sighed, "What?"

"What in the hell happened?" He asked and she shrugged, "I just don't want to talk to him."

"But why?!"

The girl shrugged and Louis let out a sigh before leaving to see if he could get more out of Harry.

"What could happen so damn early?" He asked crossing his arms and Harry shrugged, "She's mad at me. I don't know why."

"Did you sleep with that girl last night?"

"No...I told her that too."

"You told her that why?"

"Because she already thinks I'm a slag and she looked at me like I had so I had to clear it up. But then she said, well I'm glad you didn't. So what the fuck does that mean? Then, I asked her if she really liked Niall and she asked why I kept asking, which I didn't respond, but then I stated that I didn't want her to like Niall anymore than she wants me to sleep with some girl. And then she asked why and I didn't respond and here we are." Harry said taking a breath after his jumbled story.

Louis stared at him in confusion before finding words, "Why didn't you just tell her you like her?"

"Because! This is bullshit!"

"No, you're scared..."

"Whatever." He grumbled crossing his arms and Niall walked in still half asleep.

"Oh you're home. Thought I heard your loud mouth." He mumbled to Harry and Harry grew even more angry. He was already on edge and his remark, although not meant to be taken that way, really pushed him over.

"Yes I am. I am because I didn't sleep with that girl because I like Olivia. Did you hear me? I like Olivia! Whew. There. I feel bloody better. Glad we got that out of the way." He said patting Niall's shoulder as he passed the stunned boy.

"Of course you do! You like her because I like her and god forbid you let anyone else have someone!" Niall shouted down the hall and Harry came to a stop before turning around slowly.

"Yeah, Niall, because I'm like that and all! That's why I'm always trying to steal Liam's girlfriend or that girl Zayn was all up on, huh?"

"Yeah well maybe you're just jealous of me!"

"Of you?! Don't flatter yourself! Plus, it isn't even like you truly like her anyways! I mean for fucks sake, I took care of her when she was drunk, I saved her from drowning, do you even know what she's in school for?! Because I do!"

"You just want in her pants Harry. So yeah, of course you go out of your way like usual."

Harry stifled a laugh, "Right and yet I didn't even shag the girl I was with last night because of her."

"Well, of course not, because who could turn a gent down?" Niall asked crossing his arms.

"Really didn't know you were this insecure, Niall."

"Oh, I'm not. By all means continue to try and woo her."

"Sounding really confident in that, mate. If I were you I'd rethink that because I always get what I want."

"Well, bring it on."

"Excuse me! My cousin is not something you play with and she sure as hell is not going to be a pawn in your game!" Louis said seriously.

"She's not. I like her. I'm just saying that I'm not going to back down. If Niall thinks she's going to pick him over me he's mental and well, I guess I'll just have to prove that." Harry said calmly and Louis sighed.

"Ok, ok. Break time." Zayn said from the doorway of his room. He grabbed Harry quickly and pulled him inside. Harry mumbled nonsense under his breath as he sat on the bed furiously.

"Settle down."

"No. Screw him."

"Harry, he did like her first."

"I don't care! She likes me more! I like her more." He grumbled crossing his arms.

"You're sounding like a kid."

"I don't care. He doesn't know her like I do. I do so much for her and he's never around so why should he get her?" He asked seriously and Zayn tried not to laugh, "The world is ending. Harry Styles is fighting for a girl."

"Shut up." He grumbled falling back onto the boy's bed.

"Dude. You really like her?" Zayn questioned finding it truly hard to believe.

"Yeah I do. She's beautiful, funny, smart..."

"Stands up to you." Zayn added with a snicker.

"Yeah she does. I just, I like her. A lot..."

"Then yeah, don't give up, mate. Who cares if you break the band up in the process."

Harry shot him a look and Zayn laughed, "Kidding man. It'll all work out."

"This is going to be the longest 6 weeks of my life..." Harry grumbled.

"Dude, I think you love her..." Zayn said seriously and Harry glared over at him, "Do not."

"Oh look at this..." Zayn said moving to the dresser and Harry watched him confused as he dug through it.

"Look at this picture of Louis and her from years ago that I found." He said holding it out to him.

"Awe." Harry said a smile hitting his lips and Zayn started laughing, "You are in love! Oh my god! You just awe'd over a picture! You love her!"

"Sod off!" Harry grumbled crossing his arms over his chest in defense.

"Dude...this is insane."

"Leave me alone!"

"Oh man. This makes my life!"

"That's just sad if true."

Louis walked in to calm the boy only to see Zayn hunched over laughing.

"What is going on?"

"Harry is in love with your cousin."

"Am bloody not!"

"You are!"

"Leave me alone!"

Zayn chuckled and Louis couldn't help but join in, "Sorry mate, It is kind of funny."

"Whatever." Harry grumbled pushing himself off the bed, "I'm going to my room."

Harry slowly walked to his bed, crashing on it with a sigh. Did he love her? Was that possible? He covered his face with his hands. He was going to get a headache from all the thinking he has been doing lately.

Olivia paced her bedroom furious at Harry for being right and furious at herself for everything else.

"You ok?" Louis asked stepping into the doorway. She stopped and looked over at him as he crossed his arms.

"No. I'm just going to tell Niall we can't even talk anymore and then just avoid everyone but you and Liam because he's taken."

Louis chuckled shutting her bedroom door, "Don't be over dramatic."

She shrugged sitting on her bed and he quickly joined her, "Let's play our game..."

She groaned, "We're too old for this."

"Never. It helps, don't lie. Now only one second answers." He responded with a smile, "Ready?"

She rolled her eyes and he breathed in taking that as a yes, "Ok. Purple or orange?"


"Music or movies?"


"Pizza or fries?"


"Niall or Harry?"

"Harry." She blurted out and Louis's smile widened, "Right and what's the confusion here?"

"Ugh! Nothing. I just need to stay away."

"Why? You like each other."

"And you all leave soon."

"So?! Stop using that as an excuse."

"I'm not. It's true. What's the point in getting involved when it won't last? Plus, just because he's not kissing up every girl when I'm around doesn't mean he won't be when I'm not."

"Oh so that's what it's about..."


"You're scared he'll cheat on you..."

"Well that's just one of the million reasons this can't happen."

Louis sighed, "That's not far to him."

"Ha! He hasn't even admitted to liking me. Well not directly to me anyways."

Louis rolled his eyes, "You are both impossible."

She shrugged and he patted her knee, "Fine. But can you be civil and go to the beach with us?"

She debated before finally nodding and he pulled her from the bed. She went to change into her swimsuit and quickly met the guys as they reached the door.

"Come on heartbreaker." Liam joked throwing his arm over her shoulders and she shot him a look causing him to laugh, "Just kidding."

She rolled her eyes and as they reached the sand she laid her towel down and proceeded to relax on it, letting the sun warm her up as she shut her eyes trying to rid her mind of Harry which seemed harder than she thought. It would be so much easier if he wasn't so cute. That she was certain of. In fact, she was also certain Niall was a better catch for obvious reasons, his gentleman like behavior, his sweet gestures, but no, apparently that didn't matter. She felt herself drawn to Harry no matter how hard she tried otherwise. It was hopeless...
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe. She admitted it. :3

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