Status: This is the strangest story you will ever have the pleasure of reading.

The Entanglement of Cat and Rin Schrodinger

Ch. 10

Chapter ten

Shomei closes the door behind him quietly and nods to indicate all is well. “She’s asleep. And fine.”
I breath out, standing up from my crouching position that I assumed while waiting for Meina to fall asleep. “Could I ask what that was now?”
“Yes. It was a day vision. It takes a quite lot out of her. Usually they only come at night, but when they come when she’s awake, they aren’t only more taxing on her body, but incredibly vivid.”
“Day…vision? Not to sound rude, but what exactly is Meina?”
“Simply put, a Seer. Lately, she’s been able to sense the atom rifts like the one you came through. She has unbelievable intuition too. I don’t think we can have any idea of the extent of Meina’s abilities right now.”
I wait for a moment, absorbing this, before answering.
“Sensei, what is Meina? I mean, to you. Why is she here?”
“To me, she is like a grandchild. I took her in when she was nearly two. Her parents had abandoned her.”
“Oh.” I say, taken aback. It’s hard to imagine anyone not loving Meina. Annoyed by her, yes, but abandoned? “Why?”
“Cat, you have to understand that this world is much more troubled than you seem to have assumed. We are so afraid of the unknown that we kill it on sight. Seers are extremely discriminated here, to the point of blatant hatred. If you want a comparison to your earth’s history, try the Salem witch trials.”
“You mean Meina could’ve been…?’
“Yes. Abandonment might seem cruel, but it’s really the kindest thing her parent’s could’ve done. Meina was showing signs of her Sight at an especially early age. I took her in and raised her as my grandniece.”
“How much does Meina know about this?”
“Nearly nothing. She treats her night visions as lucid dreams, as I’ve told her to. Her day visions are a little harder to explain to her. The surrounding community thinks of her only as the sweet little girl she is.”
I nod again, imagining a charming, lovable Meina growing up frolicking through Shomei’s large garden estate, completely sheltered from the brutal world that could’ve crushed her.
“In any case, she’s asleep now. Before she wakes and can fill us in on the extent of the vision that concerns you, perhaps I need to fill you in on our situation and complete the conversation we had last night. By the way, is something burning?”
“Oh my god! The bread!” I shriek.
“It’s probably fine.” He says. “Evada’s taking care of it. She hates the smell of burning. She can also send Meina to us when she awakes. In the mean time, I’ll give you a little crash course In Pax Illumian history.”