Status: This is the strangest story you will ever have the pleasure of reading.

The Entanglement of Cat and Rin Schrodinger

Ch. 8

Chapter eight

Six blackened loaves of reject sit on the counter. It turns out the lovely smell I thought was breakfast was actually Meina’s try number three. We are now on number seven. Meina, in all her sweetness, plus the aid of Shomei’s huge expansive kitchen, cannot bake to save her life. The goal we are working towards is some type of Pax Illumian sweetened flat bread, which is about as familiar to me as Pax Illume is to Chinese take out. Although I wouldn’t put it pass them to have some form of Won Tons or another.
Meina frowns and dusts off the counter again. Her face has flour all over it. “More yeast…?” She trails off.
That’s when she stops. Like, Meina’s body just freezes. Her eyes frozen on a single crack on the floor. Her flour streaked face looks hollow and gaunt.
“Meina?” I ask crouching down beside her. Her eyes stay fixed on the floor, glazed yet terrified. “Meina?!” I ask louder. All the possibilities raced though my head: Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Leukemia, or any fatal decease I could think of until a second later she just snaps out of it, like nothing had ever happened. She breathes. “Cat…” She says carefully. “What color are your eyes?”
Of all things she could ask me? “Um, brown. I think.” I think??? God, of course I know what my eye color is.
“Oh. Oh no. No no no no no.” She’s nearly in hysterics.
“Meina! Tell me what’s wrong!” I yell.
There’s a slamming door behind me and Evada appears in the doorway, expression unreadable. “ Get her to Shomei. Now.”She orders. I notice Evada’s voice has the quality of a leader where people will just listen to her. And I do.
Directing me though a set of double doors that lead to the patio gardens, Evada helps me carry the shaking Meina outside. I can see Shomei up ahead in the pagota across the expansive gardens that I toured last night. His white beard and kimono flashes cream and purple amongst evening primroses and under the pink and white cherry blossoms. He turns as we run and studies us. Meina is heavy and sobbing, Evada is calm and indifferent, and I am confused. He takes Meina from me and sits her down. “What vision? Meina, tell me.”
Meina cries out something unintelligible that I guess come almost be a word. I start to wonder again exactly how old she is. “I’m sorry!” She gets out. “So soooooorrrryyyy!!!!” She curls into a fetal position. I feel almost embarrassed, as if watching a parent trying to calm a screaming child to no avail at a movie theatre. I look around; Evada has already disappeared again. I shuffle my feet on the gravel. Meina’s tiny body stops shaking and she is suddenly quiet as a breeze, shoulders slumping. Her tear plastered black hair sticks to her face and she looks at me. “I’m so sorry, Cat.” She whispers.
“Meina, could you tell us what you saw? It can’t be all that bad. It’s not like you could have killed someone.”
“It’s woorrrrsssee!!!” Oh great, and she was apologizing to me. I think. Always a promising sign.
“Turquoise” Meina whispers. “Not brown. Turquoise. Turquoise. Turquoise. Yeah…..”
“Shomei? Excuse me, I know I just arrived here and this could be perfectly normal, and how would I know, but what the hell is going on?”
Meina raises her head again from Shomei’s purple kimonoed lap and says with the air of someone admitting commiting a murder, “You’re the wrong Cat.”
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