6 Dial Step

p a r t o n e

"Stop being such a fucking pussy." Elise pursed her lips at her Southern team mate. The head cheerleader currently rested on the double bed that was alongside the right side of the room. Her brown eyes were narrowed at the blonde on the left side, who kept biting her lower lip with a nervous twitch in her brow. Crossing her tanned arms across her chest, she scoffed at her. Elise couldn't believe how pathetically cowardly Lindsay was being -the 'southern belle' was acting like such a chicken at the idea of just playing this simple game she found on the internet two nights ago.

On the left side of the room, the born and raised country girl with the braided blonde hair couldn't help but keep her eyes at the carpet below. As the palms of her hands rested on the soft mattress below, Lindsay allowed her feet to hang over the edge of the bed while her toes dug into the carpet. "M'not that word, Elise. I just know that messin' with tha' Devil ain't right." Lindsay was born in the outskirts of Texas, while her parents owned a ranch and they lived in a decently sized town. They always attended church every Sunday morning, and her mama always told her that when you mess with the devil and his demons, death will bite you back. Ever since her family moved California though, Lindsay May has noticed that everyone thought the Devil was a joke and that playing games to summon him was 'hilarious'. It made goosebumps rise on her vanilla white arms.

The brunette rolled her eyes and then turned her attention back to the laptop screen. "God, what is it with you bible humpers? Don't you know the meaning of having fun? Besides, all of you just pray to an imaginary big guy on a cloud, this shit isn't real and nothing will happen." Her perfectly manicured fingers clacked against the keyboard as she typed in the web address of the site, 6dialstep.com. Once it loaded, the familiar eerie sound of dark music came from the built in speakers.

Lindsay looked down at her hands as her fingers interlocked. Elise was known for being a rather blunt person who seemed to always get her way, and if Lindsay had a mean bone in her body, she'd probably consider calling her a bitch. She wasn't always like that though -after all, they happened to be rather close friends for a reason; Elise was the first one t befriend her and take her 'under her wing' when she arrived at school. Gave her a spot on the cheer-leading team and helped her with her wardrobe; they became friends quick. Although Elise always had to be the leader and her word was first before most, Lindsay couldn't bare to tell her any of that -the girl was too passive.

"Stuff like this ain't a game.." Her southern voice drawled while she spoke to the captain of the team. Elise sighed, getting sick of her constant nagging. Elise herself never believed in anything of the 'occult' or 'paranormal'. In her mind, it was nothing but bullshit. She was a born and raised Californian female with parents that were richer than 50 Cent but never around, never once attended church or believed in Christ, and knew she was attractive. Some individuals called her Regina George, due to her 'Mean Girl' stride, but Elise never payed attention to those kind -she knew what she knew and didn't let anyone tell her different. Not even the shy texan girl called Lindsay.

"You think too much, oh look! The 'ENTER' text. Just come-" Elise got cut off when she noticed the pleading look in Lindsay's blue eyes. She wanted to cuss her out for a moment, and go on a rant about 'when you're a cheerleader, you have no fear', but the look in her friends eyes kind of made her feel a bit guilty. Sighing, Elise pushed the laptop to the side and then strolled over to Lindsay's side of the room. Sitting down upon the mattress and feeling it sink a bit because of the added weight, she looked at the blonde.

"Fine, I'll stop, kay? We can just get ready for bed, and do practice in the morning." Lindsay perked up a bit more and a smile graced her lips, showing her perfectly pearly whites.

"I appreciate it Ellie." Elise just rolled her eyes for the millionth time and then waved her hand in the air for a sign of dismissal as she moved back to her own bed in the cheer camp dorm room.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

While Lindsay moved herself to reach over and bring back the mattress bed sheets, Elise glanced at her from her side vision while she watched her nest under the sheets and turn her back towards her in order to find sleep. The cheer captain turned her attention to the laptop's screen once more. Lindsay may not want to do it, but she knew she was just over reacting. Like, honestly, the girl was raised to believe God is her holy savior and witch craft is evil; she didn't believe in it like Lindsay did though. Elise knew nothing was going to happen -just like a chain letter, it's all only there to make you paranoid and that's it.

Glancing quickly at the back of the resting blonde, she shifted her own weight on her bed then leaned a bit closer while tapping the volume button in the top corner so the music turned off. Was she going to just leave the site alone? Of course not. It's just a stupid game, and now that Linds wasn't awake, she could laugh at the falseness in it when she completes it and nothing happens.

Yeah, when nothing happens.