Status: ENJOY :)))

No Way Out

Chapter 2: Confusion

The sound of a door being shut woke me up. I was about to sit up when I heard footsteps heading towards me, I shut my eyes knowing it was Brian. “Jeordie,” I heard him whisper. I chose not to reply, I didn’t feel like talking right now. He sighed softly before walking towards the end of the bed. I felt pressure by my foot, and realized Brian was taking off my boots, I had forgotten to take them off when I came home. Once they were off I felt a dip in the bed and knew Brian was going to sleep. I felt a blanket being pulled over me and got comfortable thankful for the warmth.

I almost jumped in shock when I felt an arm sneak around my waist. What? I wanted nothing more than to snuggle up to Brian; I quickly went through the pros and cons of snuggling up to him. He still thought I was asleep, so I could use that as an excuse. Gaining some confidence I turned towards him, my eyes closed. I felt him tense and my heart sank, this was a bad idea. Suddenly I felt a gentle hand brush my hair from my face. “Jeordie…I wish you would tell me what’s wrong. I’m sorry I acted like such a dick earlier. You’re my best friend, and I don’t want that to change. But I fucked things up didn’t I.” I held my breath waiting for him to continue. “I hope you can forgive me, I…” He took a deep breath.

I love you Jeordie.”

With a gentleness Brian’s not known for, he kissed my forehead. It was silent for a while after that, and by his even breathing I knew he had fallen asleep. I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at his sleeping face. The words he had just whispered to me went through my head. I knew I wasn’t supposed to have heard what he said; after all he thought I was asleep. He said he loved me, but did he mean it? After all there are two different kinds of love, the brotherly love me and Brian have, and the love that I feel for Brian. But then why did he kiss my forehead? That wasn’t normal behavior for him. I mean sure he would hug me or kiss me on stage, but he always did that. But this kiss was different, it was so unlike him. I closed my eyes tightly, this was all so confusing.
I yawned and rubbed my eyes with my fist, I could feel Brian’s body heat. Shyly I carefully shifted so I could rest my head in the crook of his neck. I would probably regret this in the morning, but I was too comfortable to care. With a smile I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful sleep for the first time in weeks.
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This was cute chapter...
Sorry it was so short, the next one is longer.
Im glad i got some comments for my first chapter, i hope to get some more!!!
Much love <3 <3