Status: Hiatus.

Never Say Good-bye


The sticky grime on the floor made her gag as she pushed herself to her feet. Feeling her stomach churn, Lucy rushed toward the nearest stall and lost what little was in her stomach. Instead of the gross contents of her stomach, she blonde saw memories floating across her vision.

Her large stomach entered the room before she did, making her fiance laugh behind her. She almost turned to shush him, but a small nudge came from her abdomen. A look a pure happiness passed her brown eyes as she put her hand on her stomach, turning to Niall. "The baby kicked," she whispered, feeling it again.

He gaped at her, his blue eyes wide with wonder and worry. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. Here, feel it!" she gushed, taking his hand and slowly placing it where she had felt the kick. A pleased giggle bubbled up as he felt the baby kick himself, his blue eyes widening even further in surprise. "See?"

"She's strong, just like her mother," Niall said, dropping his hand and bringing Lucy in for a kiss.

Bracing her hands on the toilet, she forced herself to her feet on shaky legs. "I hate you, Niall Horan," she whispered, the words false in her ears. She could never hate him, nor could she ever trust him again. Love him? Of course. She'd always love him.

"Why did he leave?" she asked, reaching up to her face to brush away the tears falling. The only answer she received was silence, the bathroom blocking out the thick sounds of the club. She had to leave, had to get out of there. Pushing herself toward the door, she gathered her courage and strength, pulling all she had for the moment. Slowly, she made her way out of the nasty bathroom, the smell of sweat and alcohol much more pleasing to her sense of smell.


Again, she heard them calling for her, begging for her. She shut them out, refusing the monsters beating in the back of her mind.


A new voice, this one much harder to control as she saw the bright colored drinks and the cold beer bottles scattered around the club. Drink until it's numb, the voices in her head commanded, screaming into her already broken mind. "No," she muttered, putting her hands to her temples and pushed roughly through the crowd. Elbows connected with her face and ribs as she tried to fight her way to the exit, forcing the thoughts of an ice cold drink on her tongue-- the fruity taste calling to her taste buds.

"No," she moaned, feeling herself losing control of her body, the drinks hitting her brain finally. One large body turned into her walkway, sending her crashing down onto the ground. "No no no," she muttered, attempting to push herself onto her hands and knees and crawl to the exit. Anything to get out of there.

Dodging feet and shins as she crawled toward the door, one connected roughly with her hands, making her cry out in pain as she crumpled to the floor. Rough hands grabbed her dress, picking her up and slung her around. Her already weak body attempted to fight back but it was useless. Lucy gave one weak "No" before she felt herself slipping into a world of black.

She welcomed the sleep state like and old friend.