Status: Finished & Awaiting a Sequel.

You Can Be My Gorgeous Nightmare.


We loaded our stuff onto the tour bus and settled down to pass time and relax until we get to the venue. Unfortuantely, we all had different ways of passing time. Robert was taking a quick nap, Monte was texting in the living room, Lexus was blogging in our bedroom, Craig was downing some Jack, and I was sitting across the room from Lex editing my photography. Max, on the other hand, was yelling at our bus driver, urging him to race the few other buses we passed on the highway. Needless to say Max was banned from the drivers area after 15 minutes.

"Hey Gab," Lexus slid next to me with her supplies bag. I immediately knew what was about to go down. "Do you want your first piercing?" And I was right.

I considered this for a minute before I nodded. "Angel bites."

She wasted no time in getting her stuff ready. Fucking pro, I swear.

She positioned it and counted down. "One, two, seventy four!"

And before I could ponder what ever happened to the numbers in between, I felt a sharp pain shoot through the right side of my upper lip.

"God damnit shit fuck Lexus! That hurts!" I ran into the living room and threw pillows at Lexus who followed me. "No! THAT SHIT HURT!" Alright so I'm a wuss. Hurrah.

Monte looked up from his phone, looking more than just confused.

Lexus gave Monte a stern look, which made Monte jump up, pick me up, and hold me tight. What the fuck? I couldn't even squirm around the slightest bit.

Lexus approached me, serious, emotionless look on her face and needle raised in her hand. No doubt it looked like something out of an amateur scary movie.

She positioned the needle again and I tried my best to hold still.

And that was all I remembered.


I picked my head up, which I immediately regretted. I had just woke up with a pounding headache from hell, and a sharp pain through my upper lip. I had passed out when she pierced the last side.

I thought I was alone, so I was about to sleep off the pain. Until I heard a very upset sounding Monte speaking in his bunk.


"It doesn't matter."

"I c-can't do this anymore..."

"Was I not good enough for you..?"

"We're over, Danni."

"I'm cheated on me...I can never forgive you for that..."

"I can't...I thought you were the one..."

"Goodbye, Dannielle..."

All I heard was his side of the conversation. Not that I needed anymore information.

His voice was started to crack, and it was getting softer by the second. And then I heard whimpering. I knew he was crying, and it absolutely hurt to hear that.

So despite my major headache and pain shooting through my lip, I got up, and softly walked over to Monte's bunk. Opening the curtain, my heart broke.

His hair was a tangly, knotted mess, his eyes were red and puffy, his eyeliner was all but where it was supposed to be, and he was hugging his knees to his chest. Fresh tears falling down his cheeks. "Monte, babe, come 'ere..." I scooted into his bunk and opened my arms to him, which he wasted no time in gratefully accepting. "She doesn't deserve you..." I ran my fingers through his hair, untangling it. Anything to calm him down, I tried. Nothing worked. After five minutes of me rocking him back and forth, the tears were coming down harder. Then he did something unexpected. Monte pulled an engagement ring from his pocket.

"I was supposed to p-p-propose to her tonight..." He couldn't even talk properly anymore, tears still streaming down his face, taking remnants of his eyeliner along with.

He was gonna propose to her? A million thoughts rang through my mind but I pushed them into a dark, dusty corner. No matter my feelings, it was my main goal to help Monte.


Three tissue boxes later, an hour had passed and it was almost time for Escape The Fate's soundcheck.

"Monte, love, you need to wake up..." I jostled him a little. I felt terrible waking him up. Dried eyeliner smudged about his face, scraggly hair, and swollen, red eyes. You could clearly see the sadness on his face. You could see how clearly he wanted to stay that bunk forever. Sleep, eat, mope, repeat. But he had to play; his fans were all looking forward to seeing him, meeting him even.


I managed to get Monte AND myself ready in under an hour, halfway through soundcheck. So, rushing out out of the bus, I gave Monte a tight hug and a 'good luck' and waved him away toward the stage.

And then an instant later, on my way to the merch table, someone put their hand over my mouth and, with an iron grip, dragged me through the gate leaving Warped grounds and in a nearby forest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. I'm sorry for the 3.7 percent of you that read my story, because everything has been going wrong lately. I've written this chapter out three times, and each time my computer wants to shut itself down or some shit. Fuck you, computer. So, sorry for the long wait. Love ya'll, enjoy, and hopefully three or four more chapters will be up tonight.