Status: Finished & Awaiting a Sequel.

You Can Be My Gorgeous Nightmare.

A New Plan Of Attack

Two weeks later, and Monte seemed to have bounced back completely...or he was just a really good actor. Either way, he had a new piece of slutty arm candy, Gianna Mansfield.

Now Gianna, although still a whore, defied most stereotypes. She wasn't blonde; she had light caramel coloured hair. She had a good intellectual background. Best of all, she had a quite normally pitched voice, instead of those nasally bimbos. If met under different circumstances, we might have actually become friends.

But alas.

I don't like her, she doesn't like me. I can tell she sees me as some kind of threat to her and Monte's relationship by the venom in her tone and the poison in her stare when she looks at me.

"I don't know what do, guys..." I put my face in my palms. I was sitting in the Falling In Reverse tour bus with Ronnie, Jacky, and Mika. Ryan and Derek went to go grocery shopping.

"Kick her off the bus and onto the highway." Mika suggested.

"Mika, love, you're eliminated from this conversation. Boys?" I sighed. I needed desperately to solve this Gianna-Monte thing.

"Well, first things first. Monte likes you." Ronnie stated.

"How do you know?" Genuine confusion and curiosity took over.

"Just trust m-"

"In less simpler terms, Monte loves you subconsciously. It's just in the way back of his mind. After a long time of debating and denying his feelings, it has not gone away or decreased, but relocated." Jacky piped up.

I could not believe my ears. "Alright, so what are you trying to say then?"

"What I'm trying to say is: what if you could make him jealous by getting with someone else? Exactly like he's doing with that Gianna rubbish." His British intellect finally clicked in my mind; why didn't I ever think of that before?

"But who with?"

"Well, there's a number of guys...I guess it all depends on the amount of damage you want to do."

I must've looked confused, because Jacky felt compelled to break it down for me again.

"Would you like piss off just Monte? Or the boys and others as well too?"

"Obviously I would like more to piss off others as well!" I grinned.

"That narrows the list down to Craig Mabbitt, Jack Barakat, Jesse Lawson, Davey Suicide, Dahvie Vanity, Mike Fuentes, Matt Good, and Ashley Purdy."

"Davey Suicide, Mike Fuentes, or Purdy." I chose the top three.

"How about all three?" Ryan waltzed through the door, bags in hand.

I, along with everyone else, considered this for a brief minute. "How would that work?"

"Well, either you could pretend to whore around with each of 'em at the same time, or you could fake date Ash, then move on to Davey, and then Fuentes. In a short period of time. " Derek suggested.

"Maybe the second option would be best..." Ronnie piped up. Leave it to him to chose the more brotherly answer of the two.

"Before we get ahead of ourselves, have you even gotten consent from any of the three men?"

"Good thinking, Mika. I'll go call 'em real quick." Settling into a spare bunk, I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Mike.


M: Hey babe, whatcha need?

G: Hypothetically speaking, if I was trying to make someone jealous, would you be down to fake date?

M: Does fake dating also include fake fucking? Cause I'm down...

G: Yeah, sure, alright. Thanks, Fuentes.

M: Anytime, Ortiz. Gotta go, details later?

G: Sure thing, see yah.

After I hung up on Mike, I rang Davey.

D: Hey gorgeous, what's up?

G: Davey, babe, out of curiosity, would you be up for fake dating?

D: Uh, sorry, there's a girl I'm trying to get...

G: Awh, it's alright! Good luck, I'll see yah later!

D: Alrighty, thanks!

And finally, Ashley was the only one left.

A: Hey, Gab! Long time noooooo talk!

G: Yeeeah. Listen, would you be down to fake date?

A: Wait, the fuck? Why?

G: I'll explain after you answer?

A: Oh, uh, alright, sure. I'm down.

G: Kay, thanks Ash, bye!

I walked back into the room and plopped down between Jacky and Mika. "Fuentes and Purdy are down, but Davey's got a girl. What's next?" They all thought for a moment. Again, Jacky chimed in. "Who would YOU feel more comfortable spending most of your time with? Ashley or Mike?" I didn't even have to think. "Definitely I guess he's the lucky one?"

Ryan clasped his hands together. "It's decided! Do you wanna bring him on the bus and discuss the plan of attack?" I smirked and looked around, completely loving the slight glints of mischief that sparkled in everyones' eyes.

"Call him over."