Status: Finished & Awaiting a Sequel.

You Can Be My Gorgeous Nightmare.

Only A Nightmare, But It Felt So Real

I woke up the next morning in Lexus's bed, confused. And then everything came flooding back to me. I got up and sluggishly walked myself into my bedroom to change and lay back down. I was still in my dress and my hair looked like a rat's nest. In addition to that, my makeup was everywhere BUT in place. I wiped the makeup from my cheeks, pulled a brush through my knotty hair, and snuggled into my bed.


I had a new message.


From: Ben, the sexy beast.

I scoffed at the name. He must've changed it at dinner last night.

The message read:
Lex told me what happened. Don't worry about coming over today. Just lay and rest love (;

From that winky face, I knew he had something planned. And I have past experience with him to prove, too.

I didn't think too much into it, so I put my phone on my nightstand, and fell back asleep.


I woke up sweating.

It was horrible.

Everyone had turned against me.

Ronnie. Mika. Ryan. Derek. Jacky. Max. Monte. Craig. Ben. Danny. Robert.

My own brother, my own flesh and blood, Robert. He had turned against me too.

Everyone I had every associated with before in my life.

My enemies, my friends, my family, my teachers, my classmates, strangers I talked to once.

They were all there and they said the most vulgar, horrible insults. They all hated me. They told me I was fat, ugly, undeserving of life. That I should die; that I deserve every terrible thing that happens to me, and more. That they never loved me. That I should rot in the pits of hell. That I will never do anything good with my life. I'm just a burden for everyone here.

All of that, and more, was enough abuse to last a lifetime. I know it was a nightmare, but it felt so real...

So I did the only thing I could think of at the time.

I got up, and I ran. I ran out of the house, away from the staring eyes of everyone that lives here, I ran straight to where I knew I could make everything go away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried (and probably failed) at making a cliff hanger, but yahknow. Shit happens. It's 12:20am, and I'm hella sick, and I didn't plan this one out either, and blaaah. Excuses. Sorry if it sucks. I had a scene planned out for the last chapter, where someone was supposed to die, but I decided against it. Just thought I should let ya'll know, since I didn't end up going through with it. Love ya'll, thanks to everyone that's reading my story. I'm doing my best to put up chapter after chapter. Enjoy!