Status: Finished & Awaiting a Sequel.

You Can Be My Gorgeous Nightmare.

Ground Breaking Ideas & Good Byes

Since yesterday was spent packing, today the boys suggested we pay a visit to Raelynn. They thought we were depressed we couldn't hang out with 'her' all summer long, so we had to put on an act. But, if it gets us the day with our boys, I don't care.


"Are you guys fucking siked or what?!" Lexus shouted, barging through their front door without a care in the world.

I took a deep breath. Home, sweet second home. It's like the best of both worlds, huh? Lame Hannah Montana reference, yup.

"Duh! Have you seen the fucking line up?!" Ryan was bursting with excitement. So much excitement, I thought he would literally burst right in front of our eyes.

"Yeah! The guys told us yesterday! It's like a huge family reunion, with some new guys." I plopped down on the couch. It would be my first time meeting a few of these bands touring with us, but I was really close with everyone else. No sweat, I knew everyone would get along, minus the two bands...of course.

The entire day there was also spent packing, how fucking fun, right? Leave it to these boys to put off packing until we have less than a day left. We cleaned, talked, partied, and packed. So by 12:30 in the morning, we were all worn out. So we decided on heading home after exchanging goodbyes.

Saying goodbye to these boys just felt...depressing, this time around. Even though we'd technically be together all summer, and we'd still sneak around to see them, something felt wrong. Something felt missing. It was in that instant that I decided it was up to only Lexus and I to clean the bad blood between these boys. We just needed a good plan. A great plan. A fanfuckingtastic plan. A perfect plan. You get the idea. It needed to be ground breaking.
♠ ♠ ♠
First of all, haaaaaay guizzeeee, it's the weekend! More time for updates, yaaay.(: Onto some sad news. As I'm sure you guys may have heard, Mitch Lucker from Suicide Silence passed away in a motorcycle accident a few days ago. Everyone please send your love to his bandmates, friends, family, fans, his wife, and his daughter, Kenadee. I was heartbroken when I heard the news. Rest in peace, Mitch. You lived a great life, and you will certainly be missed.
I don't know why I talk to the 3.87 people that read this like I'm talking to a whole lot of people.