A Broken Fairytale


"Hadn't I suffered enough? I thought to myself as the trees forgave their leaves and the winds began to whirl them to there new life. Or their death, I really didn't know. My mind struggled to grasp the concept of him leaving me. Sure, he was evil. Sure, he was darkness. Although, I saw light within his eyes that shined bright through any cloudy day. I miss him! Again and again I thought how much I missed him. How much I missed the guy who could save me for my misery. The one guy who changed my world. The one guy I truly loved."

Happily ever after never has been the ending to my life, nor did I ever want one. It was reality for me. My father, sure, was King. My mother--you guessed it--Queen. Makes me a Princess, right? Technically it did but I never thought of myself like that. I would more than anything pray to be...normal. Hold on, you think I am going to go into the whole: If I were a real girl and not a princess bullshit you are grossly mistaken. I am NOT normal. I WAS a freak.

My mother never looked at it like that. She knew what I went through. She knew of the gift-I-called-a-curse. I was born able to predict the future. I know, I know. It sounds "so cool" and "so amazing." I know right now you are probably thinking I am a moron and predictable that I think I am a freak. True as that may be, I do have a reason. So, hear me out.

I saw my little brother die. Two years ago when I use to be the coveted Princess that everyone believed to belong in a fairytale. You know, the cloud nine type of shit that they deem crazy in your world. Anyways, I was laying in my room, braiding my hair and singing. Imagine a 16 year old version of Cinderella and BINGO, you got it. All of a sudden everything goes black and I feel that I am running. I felt scared, hurt, and in pain. I could feel that satin blood is dripping from my hip. It was hard for me to run. I kept pursuing to reach the castle and then everything began to hurt. I could feel the wolves eating me alive. I felt myself dying. But then I heard a voice coming from my mouth. I broke away from that awful sight and was in my room unharmed. The chills had consumed me. The voice was my brothers.

At first, I thought it was a terrible nightmare. I began crying so hard and so bad. My mom and dad ran in the room and I told them what happen. My dad told me that I was having a terrible day nightmare. Though my mom looked at me crossed. She looked tense. Then I heard shouting from outside. "The prince is dead, the prince is dead."

Ever since then my father has never looked at me the same way. The people in my village think I was that killed him. They all blame me. All of them, except my mother. She is my only close friend. She knows what I am going through because she has a gift-I-call-a-curse too. Though hers is much more different. She can make everyone calm by calming the emotional energy in the room. That is why she grew tense. She was taking the sadness from me and providing me serenity.

You are probably wondering who I was refering to above, huh? Well aren't you a picky reader. Can't I have some fun? Fine. He is the love of my life. He is the water to my flower. The...well you get it. Only thing is. He is the one that killed my brother. He is the one that wants my father dead. He wants to murder my family and I have a crush on him that is worse than stepping on a lego. I assume in your world that is painful because I have no idea what a lego is as-a-matter-of-fact.

Now you know why I say that I am a freak?!? Yeah. It is pretty pathetic. Though I should grant you how this happened. You are probably mad at me for telling you this much before you even began reading the story. You should see the look on your face! Yeah, I am a bitch, but who cares anyways. So...Once upon a time....
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