Life's Not a Movie

The Meeting

Hannah's POV:

"I'm sorry, Hannah, but I can't do this anymore." Is he serious?

"Evan, what do you mean? This is our 6 month anniversary! You can't leave me here!"

"You have Megann to take care of you. I'm sorry." He is really leaving me at an Allstar Weekend concert. This was the "big suprise"

"I can't believe this."

"Well, believe it, Han."

"Don't call me that! Get out of here!" He gets in his car and leaves. I don't know where Megann is. She's supposed to meet us, me, here. When his car is out of sight, I fall to the ground in tears.

"Hannah, are you alright? I saw that and it was pretty rough." I look up expecting Megann to be standing there.

"Whoa! You're Cameron Quiseng."

"Yes, I am. You're Hannah."

"How do you know my name?" This day just keeps getting crazier.

"I remember you from the last concert you went to." He remembered me? No one ever remembers me. I just graduated high school and when I went to give a speech, most kids had to ask who I was.

"Really, Cameron?"

"Yes. Now, are you alright?"

"No, not really." I had held it together, but now I am sobbing again.

"I'm so sorry. That guy is a jerk to pass up someone as special as you." He holds me for a while and then Megann shows up.

"What the hell happened here?"

"Hannah's boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, is a jerk and I'm comforting her."

"You know her name!" She is as shocked as me.

"Yes, I remember her. Is that so wrong?"

"No. It's so right." She is doing the flirting I couldn't. I have always loved her for that.

"I'm so sorry, Cameron. I got snot and tears all over your shirt."

"It's fine. I was gonna change anyway." I know he lied to spare me.

"Cam! Let's go! Oh, hey, Megann Murillo. Nice to see ya again." Michael winks at her and then heads back inside.

"I will see you girls later. Hannah, he didn't deserve you." Cameron gives me another hug and goes inside.

"Girl, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Cameron and Michael so hit on us!"

"I know." I can't be happy though. I had really loved Evan.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. Cameron's right, Evan the Terrible doesn't deserve you."

"Meg, it was Ivan the Terrible."

"Whatever, one letter. And does it really matter right now?"

"I guess not. Let's get in line." This girl cracks me up sometimes. Actually, all the time.

"I still say they hit on us and soon you will be Mrs. Quiseng and I'll be Mrs. Martinez. So put on a smile and get your fangirl on."

"Whatever you say, Mrs. Martinez."

"Hey, don't mock the name."

"How many fans do they have?" The chances of them actually loving us are very low.

"How many fans do they remember?"

"Probably a lot."

"Did you see Cameron "comfort" any other fan or Mikey wink at any other fan?" I know she just wants it to be true, so do I, but we have to face reality.

"Let's just enjoy the concert. Take the present over the future."

"Do you really want the present right now?" By now other fans are walking up, girls that had seen me and Evan break up. I feel like they are sympathy staring at me.

"Yes, Evan is part of my past."

"Good. Leave him there. Make Cameron now."

"Okay, Meg." We walk inside and go right up to the front. Thank goodness for getting here early.

"Don't look now, but Cameron is peeking through the curtains." I look over, and sure enough, there is Cameron.

"Oh my gosh! Mikey's looking, too." We scream like little girls. Maybe things would work out. I mean, he did remember me of all people. I'm the girl everyone forgets about, but not Cameron.
