Life's Not a Movie

The 5 of Us

Hannah's POV:

There he is, sitting on my porch with no roof, in the pouring rain, holding a red rose.


"Cameron!" We run into each other's arms and start kissing. Maybe life could be a movie.

"I'm so sorry. I never should have said that. I should have come back right after. I trust you so much and I love you with all my life."

"Cameron, how long have you sat in the rain?" He is dripping and shivering.

"A few hours. I came to say goodbye before you left, but then I saw it empty and realized I was too late." A few hours? Right when I went to this apartment, he was coming here. "Why are you back?"

"I left my diaries in my room. And the letter you sent me after our second date."

"You kept that stupid thing?"

"Cam, it was sweet. I love it." I still can't believe he is here.

"Why are you crying, Han?"

"You came back for me, a little late, but still. You waited in the rain for me, even though you were sure I was gone. That means more to me than anything. Come back to me? Pleae."

"If you say stay." I kiss him.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yes. But what about you moving?"

"I don't know."

"You can move in with me."

"I do have all of my stuff packed in my car."

"Perfect! Let's go inside, get out of this rain, and you can call your parents." He is so eager.

"Can you take all the drama from this bitch?"

"I never should have said those things. I didn't mean them at all." We walk inside and I call them.

"Mom, dad. Cameron and I made up. I drove by the house and found out he'd been sitting in the rain for hours. I'm moving into his apartment."

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Mommy, please. I really love him and he really loves me."

"Alright, I guess you're moving in with Cameron."

"Thank you so much!" I hang up and call Megann.

"Are you for real? Yes! Thank the lord that boy came to his senses."

"Well, I better finish my packing and get to his place." When I say that the rain slows down.

"Han, look. It's a double rainbow."

"Cameron, we really were meant to be together."

"Yes, I believe we were."

"Do you know how many times I drove by your house? I even went by today so I could say goodbye."

"And I was already here. What if you had just left then?"

"Let's not worry about that because here we both are. Here and now, together. Dripping wet from standing outside."

"I like the sound of that. Not the soaked part, but the here and now."

"Me too. Now let's get this stuff to your apartment."

"Our apartment." Is he crazy?

"What are you talking about?"

"You're my girlfriend, you're moving in, it's our apartment. You don't owe me anything."

"So you're saying you're going to support me?"

"Until you decide you're tired of me." It's too soon for jokes.

"Wrong time, Cam. And I'll never get tired of you. I love you."

"It's so good to hear you say that again. I love you, too, Hannah. I love you so much it hurts me sometimes. The whole time we were apart I never stopped loving you. From the moment we met I just knew there was something about you." I was tearing up and then I realized something.

"Cameron, what are you doing?"

"What I was going to do if you were still here. Hannah Lowe, will you marry me?" He is on one knee with an open box.

"Yes!" The ring is so beautiful.

"Forget the apartment, we need a house now."

"Whoa, Cameron. We just got back together. Let's take it slow, I think quick moving is what broke us up before." He is so happy. Like a little kid on Christmas.

"Slow, I can do that."

"That doesn't mean we can't tell everyone. Oh, I promised Evan that whenever I got married, he'd be invited. We're kinda friends. I don't know, it was weird."

"Okay. If you want to invite him, that's cool."

"Oh my gosh." I remember something and start crying again. There is no way I can win here.

"What's wrong, Han?"

"I was finally going to see my brother again. He's finishing college in Wisconsin. I haven't seen him since we moved here."

"Hey, he'll be part of the wedding so you can see him then." I don't know when that will be, but Cam was tired of drama so I fake a smile.

"Awesome!" We drive to our apartment and start taking my boxes inside. Soon Megann showed up with Mikey and Zach.

"Hannah! I'm engaged!" So Mikey propsed at the same time as Cam. Those two are so crazy.

"Meg! That's so awesome, but so am I!" We scream like the girls we are and we all take my boxes in.

"It's 6, I'm starving. Who's ordering pizza?" We all look at Zach.

"You, since you brought it up."

"Dang. Fine." We laugh and I snuggle into Cameron's arms. It's the 5 of us again.
