Life's Not a Movie

Together Again

Cameron's POV:

It finally hits me what Megann was saying. Me being a jerk and everything. I was so hurt and lost when Hannah wasn't there, and then she showed up. It was like life was saying, "Man you screwed up, but here's a second chance." I don't deserve this chance, but I am taking it with no complaint.

"Cameron! What toppings do you want?"

"Whatever you guys get is fine. I'll eat anything."

"Even carnival corn dogs." She looks at me, laughing.

"Hey, I'm a growing boy." We were reliving the fair and it was amazing.

"Shut up Cameron." She snuggles in closer and I wrap my arms around her.

"If it keeps us together."

"Nothing will break us apart." A rock flies through the window. I go pick it up.

"Uhm, Hannah, you might wanna tell Evan we're back together." I look out the window as he drives away.

"What, why?"

"He sent me this note, rudely, saying that because I broke your heart, he would break me." I am actually fearing for my life right now and this was a threat from a wimpy kid.

"I'll go tallk to him. Don't eat the pizza without me." She leaves and I don't want to let her go. I have the small fear that she may not come back.

"I'm glad you two worked it out. Cameron, she really loves you and she never stopped. You make her so happy."

"Thank you, Megann." I can't believe Mikey had proposed today also.

"I'm gonna see what you have to drink." I follow Zach to the kitchen.

"Zach, I told you. The right girl will come along."

"I really don't know." There was a knock on the door and I go to answer.


"Hi, I'm your new neighbor, Samantha Brannen."

"I'm Cameron Quiseng. I'm here with my friends, Zach and Michael, Mikey's girlfriend Megann, and my girlfriend Hannah. She's out talking to someone, but she'll be back soon."

"I know who you guys are. I'm a huge fan."

"Well, come on in." She steps inside and runs into Zach.

"I'm so sorry." He looks at her and I recognize the look in his eye.

"Sorry to put you to work, being a guest and all, but would you help Zach pour soda for everyone? Oh, by the way guys, this is...."

"Samantha. I remember you. We met and I asked if we had met once."

"But we hadn't then." They walk into the kitchen talking away. I told him the right girl would come along. 10 minutes later Hannah came back.

"Guess who has pizza?" They all attack her.

"How'ld it go? That was a really short trip."

"I just told him it was fine now and he said it's good long as I'm happy. He also said he'ld pay to have the glass fixed. Who's the girl by Zach?"

"Samantha, our new neighbor and possibly Zach's girlfriend."

"I really hope she is. She seems nice and he just needs to be happy."

"I agree completely." We are finally us again, although I don't really know what we were. It's just great to have my Hannah back.

"Now who has thoughts all over their face? I'm glad to have you back, too, Cam." We sit on the couch and eat the few pieces we could grab.

"Alright, it's 10. You crazy kids need to get home."

"So, what you're saying is, we need to leave you crazy kids alone." Zach knows me so well.

"So, do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I don't really know what to do. I've never had someone live with me before. Her boxes are all over the place.

"I guess. What do you have?"

"Actually, I don't have any." She laughs.

"You have never been one to think ahead."

"We didn't know each other that long."

"Don't think I didn't watch you. Cameron, so many times I sat outside of your door. Hoping, praying, you would come outside and run back to me. Everytime I saw your door open I would floor it. I do know what you did."

"I knew I saw you! The guys said I was going crazy. Is that why I always saw Megann and Mikey around when I went out?"

"Yeah. I sent her on crazy trips just so I knew you were okay. I never wanted us to end. Especially not the way we did. There was never a second that I stopped loving you."

"Neither did I. So why did it take us so long to get back together?" I want to hear her answer.

"We are both bull headed, prideful people, that were very much depressed over the end."

"You couldn't be more right."

"Cam, I'm kinda tired. Will you help me find my sheets and pj's?"

"Sure thing." After an hour we find everything she needed and head off to our rooms.

"Goodnight, Cam."

"Goodnight, Han."
