Life's Not a Movie


Hannah's POV:

I had talked to Evan and he seemed pretty cool with me and Cam being together. He said as long as I was happy and knew what I was getting in to. Around 8, I wake up and go into the hall. I am really in Cameron's apartment.

"Good morning, darling." Oh those words sound amazing.

"Good morning, Cameron. Oh my goodness, are those waffles?"

"Only the best for the best."

"Cameron. That is so sweet." I wallk over and kiss him on the cheek.

"You deserve more."

"Cam, don't start that." He's trying to make up for everything and I just want to forget it.

"Alright, sorry. Hey, let's get your boxes unpacked today." I look around.

"That's a big goal, Cam."

"I think we can make it." He puts a plate in front of me and walks out.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"For a run."

"Can I maybe join you?" I want to lose a few pounds. 6 months of depression ruins a body.

"Sure. Can you be ready in 10 minutes?"

"I just got breakfast."

"Fine, 20 minutes. Then I leave without you." I shovel my food in and pull on some sweatpants, a t-shirt, and pull my hair back.

"Cam, can you find my tennis shoes?" I look up and see him in the doorway.

"Found em." I go over to get them and he holds them over my head.

"Cameron, give them to me."

"Catch me if you can." I chase him all around and finally tackle him. I kiss him and get up.

"Gotcha. Now let's go." We run along the beach and across town, then finally end back at the apartment.

"Ever wanna do that again?" Cameron comes in the living room where I am passed out on the couch, half dead.

"How long was that?"

"About 5 miles."

"Ahhh." I roll off the couch. "Do you have a fan that works?" He turns on the fan and I spread out. Sweet air.

"Out of shape much? I didn't even break a sweat."

"Yeah, and how often do you run that?"

"Only every day." This guy is insane.

"Well maybe one day I can beat you."

"Like that will happen." I go to put my arms around his neck.

"Oh no."

"What's wrong, Han?" I can't tell him. He'ld be so mad at me.

"I lost my ring. I guess it happened while we were running, I had it this morning. Cam, I'm so sorry."

"Hannah, calm down. We'll find it."

"What if we don't?"

"We will Hannah. Now let me get the door?" Someone had been knocking for a few minutes.

"I guess." I hear a voice, but I don't really recognize it.

"Hey Han, can you come here a sec?" Yes, because I look and smell amazing.

"Oh my goodness, Sam! Hi!"

"Hello, Hannah. I saw you guys running and this flew off your finger."

"My ring! I can't thank you enough." I run over and hug her. "Sorry, I smell."

"Any time. And it's cool."

"I am so glad you found Zach." She blushes.

"Speaking of Zach, we are going to a concert Friday."

"That is amazing! Cam, this isn't really your kinda thing."

"He's my best friend!"

"Cameron, we may start squealing about how cute he is and, uhm, certain cute parts." He did have some abs. I'm sure Cameron didn't wanna hear that.

"Oh, you know what, I wanted to get those boxes unpacked, didn't I." He runs out. How is he still moving?

"So, a date with Zach. Are you excited?"

"Beyond explanation, Hannah."

"You deserve this. Both of you. He's been so alone and you're new here. It's perfect."

"It is, isn't it."

"So what concert is it?"

"I don't know. It's some local band, friends of Zach's. I think it's Hollywood Ending, or something." I had heard of them. Zach was freaking out that they were gaining some fans.

"I heard one of their songs. They aren't half bad. They do a lot of covers, they don't have many songs. You'll have fun there."


"Alright, we have two days to get you ready."

"Thank you so much. I've known you a day, but you and Megann have been so nice to me."

"Sure. We like having new friends."

"I was worried I wouldn't meet anyone. Being 20 and in a new place doesn't get you the best chance of meeting people."

"There's a lot of nice people here. I just haven't found them yet." We start laughing and she stays for lunch.

"Han, maybe we should talk about this."

"Talk about what Cam?"
