Life's Not a Movie


Hannah's POV:

"Cameron, what do you want to talk about?" Sam gets up and leaves.

"I'm glad you're making friends, but I was carrying up your boxes for 2 hours."

"I'm sorry, Cam. We were planning her date with Zach. You can take a break and I'll unpack some."

"That's not the point. We were going to do this together." He's sounding like a little girl.

"I'm sorry, Cam. If you had told me, I would have sent her home hours ago."

"I know, Han. It's just, we're finally us again. I don't wanna let you out of my sight."

"You have to give me some space."

"I'll try." I look at the clock and see it's almost 2.

"Cam! You have rehersal in an hour." He fakes a cough.

"I don't think I can go. I don't feel so well." I can't help but laugh at him.

"Oh you poor thing. I'll call Zach."

"I'll go wait in your room. All boxes are up there waiting to be unpacked." I love this guy.

"I'll be right up."

"I'm timing you." I have 5 minutes to call Zach or Cameron will "attack" me.

"Hey, Zach, it's Hannah. Cam can't make it to rehersal tonight."

"Why not? Is he okay? I just saw him."

"Yeah, I think his allergies are just messing up or something. We saw a few cats earlier on our run."

"You be sure to take good care of him." I recognize the tone and decide to play along.

"Oh I'll be an excellent doctor to him. Don't worry."

"Gross Hannah!"

"What? I said I'ld take care of him."

"You know the tone you used."

"I know the tone you started." We laugh and I run down the hall to Cameron.


"He didn't buy it, but he's letting you out of it."

"You are the best girlfriend in the world." Like I didn't already know that.

"You're the best boyfriend on the street. I'm kidding, you're the best in the world."

"Hannah Lowe, you are evil. Did you know that?"

"It's been a rumor for a while. Now, let's get me officially moved in here."

"Whatever gets me dinner."

"And what exactly are your plans for dinner?"

"You'll see."

"Oh, is it expensive?"


"Is it here?"


"Should I dress up?"

"You can." He isn't being specific at all.

"How fancy?"

"Not too. Whatever you wear is fine."

"Do I get to know any more information?"

"When we get there."

"And what time is that?"

"Around 6." We have 3 hours to unpack. I need one hour to get ready for where ever he was taking me.

"How long have you had this planned out?"

"Since this morning."

"I didn't hear you make any calls?"

"Who said I needed to call?"

"Can't I have a hint? Please." I bat my eyes at him.

"You'll like it." This boy is crazy. We finish with 10 minutes left in our goal.

"Okay, now out. I need to get ready for this special place."

"I will see you in an hour then, my love."
