Life's Not a Movie

More Drama

Cameron's POV:

We are soundchecking for our Vegas show when Michael starts the dreaded discussion.

"Hannah's a lot of drama. Are you sure you want to stick by her?"

"Absolutely!" How can they even ask that?

"How many times has she gotten mad at you? Just since you two got back together." Zach's looking at me.

"I don't know. A few times." Actually, it was a lot, but drama is what broke us up before. I can handle it now. I have to for our sake.

"Mikey's right, Cam. She attracts drama. First Evan, then Anastasia."

"That girl was creepy, though. She's not right in the head."

"Not taking Hannah's side here, but why didn't you help her?" Zach is really making me mad now.

"I freaked, okay? I didn't know what to do or how to react. Sorry, I don't remember what I did last time it happened. Oh, right, it never happened before! Can we drop this?"

"K." They continue playing through songs, but I can't concentrate.

"You don't think I should break up with her, do you?" Zach puts the mic down and walks over to me.

"That's for you to decide. We can't tell you what to do. Why don't you go think about it." I walk backstage. I love her so much. I don't want to end it, not again. The guys are right, though. The drama just follows her. Who knows who could show up tonight?

"Whatcha doing back here away from your girl?" I look up to see Evan. Great. More drama.

"For your information, it's none of your business. I'm thinking about stuff that doesn't involve you."

"Where is Hannah? I know she came with you. I know these things." He probably stalked her or asked someone.

"She's somewhere. It's not your business."

"Sure it's not." He walks away. I go back to the stage.

"I know what I have to do. It's the right choice."

"As long as you know what you're doing."

"I don't have a clue."

"It'll make sense in time." I'm so glad they know my decison without me having to say it.

"Cam, you made the right choice. Really." I look at Mikey, who has never said anything like that before.

"Thanks man. I'm gonna need all the help I can get." I don't know how Hannah and I can possibly get over this, but we've done it once before and turned out fine. I think.

"Let's finish practicing. You can talk to her about it later."

"Okay." My heart and mind aren't in practice and they can tell, but they don't say anything. My mind is only on Hannah.

*Hannah's POV*

"What do you think the guys are talking about right now? I think they're talking about how amazingly beautiful we are." I want to hear the other girls' opinions.

"I bet Zach's telling them about our date." From what she's told us, it was perfect. They went out earlier, but she won't give us many details.

"Mikey's probably telling them what we did on the night we got engaged." That was Megann for ya. Never telling us without us asking.

"Do we even want to know what you did?"

"Just what a normal married couple does."

"MEGANN!" We yell.

"What? You asked."

"You could have been more discreet about it."

"It was only once. We just sealed the deal."

"Girl, there's a time to stop talking. You passed it a long time ago." We laugh and I think I hear someone outside the bus, but ignore it.

"It's probably a combination of our ideas."

"Are you blushing, Sam?"

"No." She is smiling bigger than I've ever seen anyone smile.

"Spill." I haven't know her that long, but I know she's hiding something.

"I was coming back from the bathroom and I heard Zach talking to Cam or Mikey. He said I was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen and he just knew we'ld be together forever." She blushes deeper.

"Awwwww! That's so sweet." Megann was more of a hopeless romantic than me sometimes.

"What's your first dance gonna be?" Samantha turned the attention to me.

"I was thinking Pieces Of My by Ashlee Simpson. I can be drama sometimes, but Cameron's always there for me. I know he'll never leave my side again."

"Now that is sweet. It's so your song. I can definately see that."

"I know. Hey, let's go suprise the guys." They go ahead of me while I make the guys sandwhiches. They are practicing through dinner and actually, don't have much longer before the show. I step off the bus.

"Hello, Hannah."


"That's right. I'm baaaacckkkk." He says it so creepy. This can't be right.

"Leave me alone."

"Not gonna happen. Cammy's inside."

"Don't call him Cammy." I narrow my eyes.

"No one can stop me."

"Cameron! Help!" I am starting to get scared. He's worse than old what's her face. I see Cameron open the door, but he just stands there and then shuts it. Evan turns around and sees, too.

"Now who's gonna help you? Cammy just left you alone." He smiles wickedly.

"He'll come back. I know it. CAMERON!!!! PLEASE!!"
