Life's Not a Movie


Cameron's POV:

I feel so bad for Hannah. She looked so pained and lost. Of course she was, her boyfriend just broke up with her.

"You really like her?"

"Yeah, Mikey, I do."

"Then ask her out!" It's not that easy. At least, for me.

"What about you and "Megann Murillo"? You barely remember our names sometimes." It was a small overexaggeration, but he doesn't remember many people.

"I really like her."

"Then ask her out!" I mocked him.

"Hey, Cam. Not cool."

"Who are you two askin out?"


"Megann Murillo."

"Whoa, Mikey knows someone's name besides his own?" I laughed with Zach.

"I know."

"Do you know Hannah's last name?" She never told me what it was.

"No, but I'll learn it. If she allows it."

"I'm sure she will."

"Her boyfriend just broke up with her. He left her on the bench outside and she was so broken."

"That explains the shirt. Change it, we go on in 10." The only other shirt I had was a blue polka dot one. It would have to do.

"Let's go Cam." Why was Michael always the one to get me? We ran out onto the stage and right in front were Hannah and Megann.

"I love you Cameron!" Crazy fans, wait that was Hannah. I looked at her and smiled. She was smiling back.

"I love you Michael Martinez!" He smiled back at Megann. Maybe we should ask them out. I'm assuming they were both from the LA area, since they were at this concert. Our last one of tour.

"Alright, we need two crazy girls to come on stage. Cam, how bout you choose em." I already knew what two I was picking.

"Well, I've been surveying the crowd and I gotta say, all these girls are crazy." They started laughing.

"It's not just these girls that are crazy. It's girls in general."

"Mikey!" Everyone yelled. It's crowds like this that makes performing perfect.

"Alright, I have a decison. I two." I pulled Hannah and Megann on stage.

"We are going to do something different. You two are gonna sing lyrics when I stop." He put Hannah at my mic and Megann by Michael. How did that happen? The song was Come Down With Love. Sometimes I swear Zach is a mind reader. They were amazing, of course, and I was sad to see them have to go back to the crowd. We finished the show and headed out to hang with the fans.

"Hey Cameron." I looked up to see Hannah.

"Hey Hannah. Enjoy the show?"

"Yes I did. It got my mind off my past." My heart started pounding. Did she mean that creep was her past now?

"Uh, Hannah, would you wanna go out sometime?"

"I would love to." She wrote her number on my arm and walked off. When we got on the bus to head for Zach's, Mikey and I both yelled.

"I got her number!"

"Wow, Mikey, you got it on a piece of paper?" I was finally ahead of him!

"Yeah, where'ld you get it?" I held my arm out.



"Wow, our little Cameron is growing up." Zach faked actions and pretended to be a mom.

"Yeah I am. But I'm gonna move slow with her. She's been hurt and I don't want to do that to her."

"Same Cameron." They said it at the same time and went to the bunks. Some things, and people, don't change I guess.
