Life's Not a Movie

Having Hope

Cameron's POV:

"Hey Cam, there's something you should know." It was late Janurary and we were making the invitations. We'll send them out sometime next month. We were moving in to our new house and taking a break.

"What's up, Han?"

"It's about your best man."

"Did Max do something? Is he going to kill me when I'm up there?" I didn't know her brother that well, but I don't think he hates me.

"NO! Nothing like that. Cam, Max is gay." I spit out my soda.

"Are you serious?"


"Well okay then."

"Just okay?" What did she want me to say? I'm not upset about it.

"Do you want me to flip out or make rude jokes?"

"No. I just didn't know if you had a problem with it."

"Not at all. He acts like a normal guy, so it's cool."

"Awesome." She goes back to addressing envelopes.

"Han, why are we doing this so early?"

"You record a new album next month. I want your attention on that, not these." She was really good about sharing me with the guys. I was kinda worried she would want me to quit or try and take all my time away.

"Cool. Thank you for being so supportive."

"I see how happy you are onstage. You really love it."

"Thank you so much, Han." I know she cares, but this is amazing.

"Anything for you, Cam."

*Hannah's POV*

It has been two years since Cam and I got married, the best day of our lives, until one year ago.

"Han, Sandy's crying." I run in and pick up our little girl. She looks a lot like Cameron.

"Cameron, something's wrong. Look at how she's breathing." He calls an ambulance and they rush her into examination. This cannot be happening.

"Mr and Mrs. Quiseng?" A doctor comes out.

"Yes. How is she?"

"She'll be fine, but she needs a heart transplant. If we can find a match, it will most likely come from an adult."

"But she's only one!" Didn't they know that was crazy?

"She'll grow into it. Just trust us." That is kind of hard right now. My baby girl. My only baby.

"What if she doesn't? What if the heart fails her?"

"It might. All we can do is try and we are trying our hardest." He headed back to wherever she was.

"Cam, what's going to happen?" They had said if they find a match. If!

"They will find a match soon and Sandy will live to see many wonderful days."

"Cameron, we don't know that!" I am so scared for her.

"We have to hope, Hannah!" I have no hope right now.

"I can't. What if she dies?"

"She won't. If she does, I will have your back. I've stuck by you through everything, this isn't going to change that."

"Cameron, why are you still with me? I'm so dramatic and emotional." I need my mind off my poor baby. I can't handle this at 23.

"Because I love you. I would go to the ends of the Earth to make you smile."

"Thank you." He makes me sit, but I just can't concentrate.

"You've been here 23 hours. We have to send you home."

"I don't want to leave! I want to stay with my baby!"

"You have to go. We'll call you if anything changes."

"When can I come back?"


"I'll be here at 7. In the morning."

"We'll be here and so will Sandy."

"Cam, do you really think she'll make it?"

"Absolutely. Do you wanna watch a movie?" He knew I wouldn't sleep.

"That sounds nice."

"Grease or Letters To Juliet?" I can't watch Grease right now.

"Take a wild guess."

"Sappy romance it is." He puts it in and I snuggl into him.

"Would you climb a vine for me?"

"I think I've climbed worse."

"Yeah, you probably have."

"I wouldn't change it for anything."

"You really are the best, my love." Around 3, the doctor calls.

"Mrs. Quiseng, we found a transplant for Sandy." Maybe my baby girl wouldn't die after all.

"There's really hope for her?"

"It looks like it." I shove Cam in the car and speed over there. I had to be there when she was out of surgery. One is too young to die.
