Life's Not a Movie

Nearing The End

Hannah's POV:

An hour later, Cam sits next to me on our bed.

"Do you want to eat something? I made grilled cheese."

"In July?"

"I know it's your favorite."

"Oh Cameron." I kiss him and he falls on top of me.

"Do you wanna get her?"

"I thought we'd just ignore her." Sandy is crying and it's so good to hear her cry normally again.


"I'll get her. You make sure the sandwiches don't burn."

"I almost forgot." He runs out. I walk into the nursery.

"Hi sweetie, mommy's here." I pick her up and rock her. She looks up and gurgeles. "Yeah, sweetie, that's it. Just smile." I put her down and start tickling her. She is such a happy baby. Either she's crying or she's smiling. There is no other mood, but that is fine with me. I take her downstairs.

"You two are so adorable."

"Shut up, Cameron. You are even more of a chick magnet when you hold her. You think I don't see the teenagers at the store?"

"Are you jealous?"

"Not a chance." I am a little, but I know he is all mine. I set her down in her high chair.

"Han, the only other girl I'll love is Sandy, unless we have another daughter. The only time I'll be on my knee for another a girl is when I tie Sandy's shoes."

"Cameron, that is so sweet. I love you!" I throw my arms around his neck.

"What's that for?"

"For being you."

"There's something more you aren't telling me. Hannah?"

"I'm pregnant again."

"Hannah! This is great! Hear that, Sandy? You're gonna be a big sister." She starts cooing.

"I think she likes that idea, Cam."

"I know I like it."

"I do, too." I am smiling so big I think my cheeks will burst.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"I think she needs a little brother. Cam, if it is a boy, can we name him Evan?"

"I think that's a wonderful idea." The phone rings and I go to get it.


"Hey, Han."

"Max! How are you?"

"I'm good. I just heard about Sandy and Evan. Are you doing okay?"

"I'm much better. Cam's been so sweet."

"Well, then I guess I can tell you my news."

"Your news? What's up?"

"Put me on speaker." I motion for Cam to come over.

"K. Cam's here too."

"I'm getting married. We found a state that does it."

"Max! That's amazing! What's his name?"

"Albert. Don't judge."

"Wouldn't dare." I am trying not to laugh at his name.

"We want Cameron to be my best man."

"Dude, of course I will." He yells.


"Well, congrats big bro, but I have to go. Two bridesmaids fittings. One for Meg, the other for Sam." Megann and Michael are finally getting married in two months. Sam and Zach are getting married in three months. I walk into the store and the girls attack me.

"Where were you? I thought yould be late." Megann is freaking out.

"I told her you'd be here. That she just needed to be calm." Sam was being normal.

"Sorry, Evan's funeral was today, then my brother called."

"What'd he want?"

"He's getting married."

"Your brother of all people. Remember when we joked that he'd never get married?"

"Yup. And you only met him once."

"Alright, let's get to trying dresses on." Sam interrupts us.

"Wow, Sam. You're really into this."

"I am, aren't I? I just can't wait to finally marry Zach. Do you know how many times I dreamt of this?"

"Probably as often as I dreamt of marrying Mikey."

"And as often as I had dreamt of marrying Cam."

"What's it like? Marrying the man of your dreams?"

"It's indescribable. I just knew it was right when I was standing up there. It's like we were the only two there and it felt like a dream. It felt like the happy ending to a movie."

"You two looked really happy up there."

"We were, or at least I was. But you know what? I'm getting happier each day. Oh guess what! I'm pregnant again." They hug me and squeal.

"So we need to make sure your dress has a little extra room."

"Just a little. I won't be huge yet."

"Do you have name ideas?"

"Only for a boy. If it's a boy he'll be Evan Alexander."

"Cute name."

"I wanted to honor Ev for saving Sandy."

"Rightfully so." We try on probably every dress in the store before Megann and Samantha find the ones they wanted.
