Life's Not a Movie

The Pre-Date

Hannah's POV:


"Is this Hannah?" My mom had the phone on speaker. I didn't know the number so I didn't answer.

"No, this is Mrs. Lowe. Her mother."

"Oh, is Hannah there? This is Cameron Quiseng." My head shot up.

"Give me the phone now! Hi Cameron."

"Hi Hannah. Are you free tomorrow night?" Tomorrow was Sunday. I had just woken up and honestly had no idea.

"I think so." I looked at my mom and she nodded. "Yes, I'm free."


"Oh, you probably need my address."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Sorry, I don't date much."

"It's cool." I told him and he wrote it down. Hopefully somewhere he wouldn't lose it.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Hannah." I called Megann.

"Cam and I are going out tomorrow!"

"Mikey and I are going out tonight!"


"Maybe you were right, Meg."

"Of course I was. I'm always right."

"Well, mom's gonna wanna know about the concert and probably grill me about proper first date technique. Oh, and of course the Evan thing." I honestly wasn't that upset anymore. Maybe I didn't really love him. I hung up and mom was there.

"So, how was it last night?"

"Well, after Evan broke up with me, pretty good."

"Why did he break up with you?"

"I don't know mom. Hey mom, when is dad coming back?"

"Sweet heart, his brother died. He needs to be with his family. I don't know." My Uncle Jake was killed in a car crash last week. The funeral was yesterday, but mom and I weren't close to him so we didn't go.

"K. You know he's probably gonna wanna kill Ev."

"Han, don't call him Ev. His name is Evan or your terrible, jerky ex." I laughed.

"Thanks mom."

"Anytime you need me. Now, this Cameron boy. Is that the one who plays bass?" I was so proud of her for knowing this.

"Yes! Mom, you are learning and I'm proud of you."

"Don't plan on it going much further."

"Okay, I won't." I went upstairs. My mom had me when she was 16, but she's the best mom in the world. She was one of the few teens who actually wanted a baby. Dad has been by her the whole time too. I got Cameron's number from the house phone and put it in my cell phone.


"Hey Cameron, it's Hannah. I gave you my house number, not thinking. Sorry."

"It's cool. I called from my cell, so you're good there. I didn't put a phone in my apartment." He has an apartment? He is 22 I guess.

"That's cool. I'm not sure why that caught me off guard. You having an apartment. I'm lookng for one, but I'm kinda broke." He laughed.

"You've got time. How old are you?"

"19 as of 3 months ago." I have a May birthday.

"Cool! So we're basically 3 years apart."


"So, are we still good for tomorrow night?"

"Yes we are. Cameron, I really can't wait."

"Cool. I was thinkin mini-golf?"

"That sounds perfect." I love golf and I could whoop up on him.

"You should know I always beat my family."

"You should know I win tournaments."

"Do they have mini-golf tournaments?"

"They do in Wisconsin, where I'm from."

"Well, I guess we'll see who wins." I laughed and told him I would see him tomorrow. I think we could really hit it off.
