Life's Not a Movie

The Date

Hannah's POV:

Megann kept me up until 11 last night, telling me about her date with Mikey. They went out for ice cream and at the end, around 9, he kissed her. She said it felt like fireworks went off. Evan never kissed me like that.

"Han, Cameron's here." I ran downstairs.

"Wow, you look amazing."

"I'm in jeans and a t-shirt."

"You still look amazing."

"Thanks." I now have butterflies. No one's every made me feel like this. He held his car door open for me and I climbed in.

"So, ready to lose?"

"Oh Cameron. If you only knew how wrong that question was. I will be the winner here."

"Fine, let's make a deal here. If I win, I kiss you and we go out again Friday night." I like the sound of that plan.

"And when I win?"

"I kiss you and you decide if and when we go out again." I like this plan even better, even though it'll be the same as if he were to win.

"It's on." I like that either way I get a kiss. We played all 18 holes and I beat him like crazy. The scores were no where near even.

"Fine, you win." We walk to his car and I think he forgot his part of the deal. He opens the door, stands there for a minute, then bends down and kisses me. The whole world stopped for the two seconds his lips were on mine.

"So, movie next Friday?"

"I would love that Hannah." I got out of the car and walked into my house floating.

"Well, I guess it was a good date. I've never seen a smile that big."

"He kissed me and the world stopped. Fireworks exploded and mom I can't even explain it. It was amazing. We're seeing a movie Friday." I went upstairs and my phone rang. I figure it's Megann wanting to know about the night.

"Han, I can't wait until Friday to see you. Do wanna get ice cream tomorrow?"

"The fair is in town, we could meet there."

"I'll pick you up around 11 tomorrow?"

"That sounds great Cam." I go to bed the happiest girl in the world. We will meet Megann, Mikey, and Zach down there. At 11 sharp he was on my porch waiting for me. We didn't have a cover so I know the sun was beating down on him.

"Ready to go?"

"You bet I am." We get to the fair and everyone is there waiting for us. Cameron puts his arm around me and we walk up.

"Well, one date and you're already one person." The 5 of us stood out there for an hour just tallking and laughing. Sure Meg and Mikey are dating, but it's different with me and Cam.

"Cam, let's ride the ferris wheel."

"Sure babe. Whatever you want." He just called me babe! Oh my. I look at Megann and she winks and makes a heart around us. I flip her off. This is the friendship we have.

"Wow, the view is amazing up here." It had just stopped at the very top.

"Hannah, will you be my girlfriend?" He was so blunt about it. I wasn't expecting it at all.

"Yes, Cameron." He kisses me, and again the world stopped. I hear Zach and Megann cheer behind us.

"Get some!" Mikey yells. Megann slaps him. I don't know who Zach is with, but it was some girl he just met here. She was alone, so he asked her to hang with us.

"Hannah, nothing will ever change between us."

"I hope that's true, Cam." He kisses me again and we start moving. When we finallly get off, we all decide to get corn dogs. The guys ate 6 each, Megann and I had one and a half each.

"You pigs."

"We're growing boys." Mikey yells with his mouth full.

"You "boys" are in your 20's. Actually, you're all 22 right now."

"I take offense to that. I turn 23 tomorrow." He and Megann tried to decide if that really mattered. Cameron walks over and kisses me.

"Gross!" I spit out his chewed up corn dog.

"I'm sorry, it was the perfect opportunity."

"Well it was gross!" I am so mad.

"I'm sorry, Han. I won't do it again."

"Okay Cam. I can't get mad at you this early."

"Cool." He kisses me, non-corn dog this time.

"Much better." We walked around the fair and he won me a stuffed giraffe. We didn't see the others the rest of the day, but that is fine with me. I like being alone with Cameron. My phone rings and mom tells me that dad will be staying in Wisconsin for a while.

"What's wrong?" Cameron's looking at me. His green eyes almost make me lose focus.

"My Uncle Jake, my dad's brother, was killed by a drunk driver. I wasn't close to him so I don't really care, but apparently Aunt Jennie, my dad and Jake's sister, needs her other brother. My dad's gonna be gone for a few months. He doesn't know how long."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. My aunt needs my dad."

"You need your dad, too."

"Im 19!" I don't "need" anyone.

"So, I'm 22 and I need my dad." I start laughing and he looks hurt.

"I'm sorry, I've just never heard anyone admit that."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"Well, it's almost 7. I should probably get home to mom." He drives me and I get out.

"I'll see you Friday, girlfriend."

"See ya Friday, boyfriend."

♠ ♠ ♠
So, Im hosting a girl from Taiwan for the next few weeks. That means limited computer access, but I'll get the next chapter up as soon as I can.