Life's Not a Movie


Cameron's POV:

I was sitting in Zach's room. Mikey was some where with Megann.

"So, you really like Hannah?"

"Yeah, I do. She's amazing."

"Do you think she's the one?" I have no clue. This was only our second date.

"I have no idea, but I hope so. What about the girl you hung out with? She seemed pretty nice."

"She wasn't interested in another date. Then, as she walked away, I heard her burp. I think she's a man." I chock on my soda, laughing.

"Good going, Zach. You'll find the right girl. And she'll actually be a girl."

"I'm beginning to wonder."

"You will. Everyone has a soul mate. You just gotta find her."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Zach, how many girlfriends have I had before Hannah?"

"Good point." How nice of him.

"So, Mikey's pretty serious with Megann?"

"No, they've only had two dates."

"Yeah, but he's been with her all day. How about yesterday when we were practicing and he had to "call his girl" because it had been so long."

"He really does likes her."

"I guess." I think he was putting her before the band, but I couldn't tell Zach that.

"What are you thinking about, Cam?"

"Well, Hannah's gotten mad at me twice already."

"She just had her heart broken. She's probably just freaking out about your relationship. Wanting things to be perfect."

"I hope that's it. I don't ever want us to break up."

"You won't. I saw you today and she's really happy with you."

"She is, isn't she." I had noticed how she always smiled really big when I would show up behind her after getting us something.

"That's the spirit. Don't you have to watch your sister tonight?" I look at the time.

"Crap! I forgot. Bye Zach." I was Bridget's big brother and babysitter, but don't tell her that last part. Around 10, I tell her she has to go to bed. I call Hannah.

"Cameron, I was just getting ready for bed. If you had called me five minutes later I might have killed you." She starts laughing, so I join in.

"Then I guess it's good I called now."

"I'm really glad you called." She sounds so happy.

"Then maybe I should make a habit of it."

"Not every night, but suprise phone calls are nice. It makes me feel loved."

"You are, Hannah."

"What?" Am I going to say this?

"I love you, Hannah Lowe." I guess I am.

"Cameron Quiseng, I love you, too." I smile so big.

"I'll see you Friday, my love."

"Good night, Cameron." She hangs up, laughing.

*Hannah's POV*

Around 11 rocks were hitting my window. I look out to see Cameron. I point at the door and run downstaris. I opened the door and stare at Cameron, who is staring back.

"Uhm, Han, do you maybe, uh, wanna, uh, get a robe or something?" I look down.

"I'm so sorry." I am in a thin nightgown that's kind of short. I run up and put my furry robe on. "I don't usually have company in the middle of the night. Let's sit outside." We sit on the porch swing.

"I just had to tell you that I hope, no I know, things between us will never change." I smile and lean into his arm.

"You told me that earlier."

"I know, but I really want you to know. Hannah, I mean it that I love you."

"And I mean that I love you."

"I'm not Evan, okay? I won't hurt you." I want so much to believe him. So I let myself.

"I believe you, Cam. I believe you because I trust that you mean that."

"Awesome." We sit outside in each other's arms until around 1.

"Cam, we really should get some sleep."

"Alright, I'll see you Friday. Good night or good morning Han."

"Good night, good morning, Cam." We kiss and I stand at the door until I can no longer see the light from his car. Everything is perfect right now. I believe that we really won't change. Ever.
