Life's Not a Movie

Cam Gets Caught

Hannah's POV:

I have my date with Cameron tonight. Our third date, the first as an official couple. I am walking on the beach, enjoying the water and quiet. Not many people are out at 8 in the morning so I come here to think.

"Hey, Hannah." I know that voice.

"What do you want, Evan?"

"I'm so sorry I broke up with you. I see now that it was a mistake." He doesn't look the least bit sorry.

"And I see now that dating you was a mistake." I start to walk away.

"Han, baby, please. I'm so sorry."

"More like sorry dot dot dot."

"I don't get it." Is he kidding me? That's just not right.

"You ditch me at a concert for people you don't even know!"

"Calm on, baby."

"Stop calling me that."

"Why, baby?" He kisses me.

"Get off me! I'm with Cameron Quiseng now and I love him!" Now he looks hurt. At least it's something.


"Don't play that game with me. You only care that I'm with someone who isn't you and I'm happy that way."

"Hannah, I want you to be with me." He is just sounding whiny now.

"You wouldn't have broken up with me if that was true." I walk away and ignore his calling. I call Megann.

"Why are you calling me this early?"

"Evan tried to say he still loves me and never should have broken up with me." I don't know if I'm angry or sad.

"Now I'm up. That little creep. How dare he?"

"Exactly what I thought and holy crap." What I see now is different.

"What? Tell me!" I am in shock and can't speak. I take a deep breath.

"So, I sit on the beach every morning right? Well, I'm in a new spot because of Evan. Apparently, it's where Cameron runs. Shirtless." She screams in my ear.

"Go talk to him."

"No! He already saw me in my nightgown last night. We talked until 1."

"And you didn't call me after that?"

"I was tired and I didn't wanna wake you."

"Go talk to your shirtless boyfriend." She hangs up.

"Hey, Cameron." He stops and looks at me.

"Well, I guess now it's me who needs more clothing." He pulls a tank out of his pocket and puts it on.

"Wow, I never noticed your muscle before. It's better up close than what pictures show. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I sound like a creepy stalker fan.

"It's fine." He kisses me.

"Sweat. Delicious."

"I can tell by that attractive expression you're making." We start laughing and finally fall from laughing so much. I am so comfortable with him. We sit there until around noon.

"So, this is the Cameron that stole you from me?"

"You broke up with me!" He needs to leave. And now.

"Evan, isn't it, please leave me and Han alone."

"I can't. I love her." It comes out slurred.

"Evan, are you drunk?"

"No, baby." I get up and walk away. He stumbles after me.

"Go sober up, then don't come talk to me." I can't stand him and now he's a drunk. Nice.

"Han, don't worry about him."

"Cam, will he ever leave me alone?"

"It's hard to let a pretty girl go."

"Cameron, don't make me blush."

"Too late." He kisses me again.

"You are insane."

"I know. Hey, how are things with your family? Are your dad and aunt okay?"

"I don't know. Mom talks to him, then just tells me about it. I think he's really upset and doesn't want me to hear him cry."

"That could be it. Guys like to hide their feelings."

"Until they get drunk."

"Not every guy does that."

"I know." I will never get over Evan. He was my first love.

"It'll be okay?"

"What will?" He must think I'm worried about dad still.

"You will get over Evan."

"How'ld you know that's what I was thinking about?"

"It's all over your face. When you love someone, you just know. Go home and rest. I'll pick you up around 6."

"Okay. Thank you, Cam."

"Sure. Anytime, Han. Anything for my girlfriend."
