Life's Not a Movie


Hannah's POV:

"Girl, what happened?"

"I don't even know. One minute it was perfect, then he asked me if I still loved Evan and we started fighting. Then I slammed the door in his face."

"Do you still love Evan?" I can't believe she just asked that,

"No! And he knew that!"

"Then he had no right to ask you." Ha! Take that Cameron.

"I drove down his street last night." I feel pathetic just saying it.

"Oh you poor thing. Okay, I'm canceling my plans with Mikey. My bestie needs me."

"Meg, didn't you get the last part of my message?" She was acting like that part didn't exist. It does and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

"That you're moving?"


"We will still be close as ever. We'll visit each other so much it'll be like you never left." How does she seem so sure about this?

"Thanks girl." She was over in 10 minutes. At least someone still loves me.

*Cameron's POV*

I don't really know what happened last night, but I'm pretty sure I said some things I shouldn't. I am blaring Stay by Safety Suit. I was so sorry I did that to her.

"Cameron! Dude, what happened?" He runs in to my room. Why don't I leave my door locked?

"She broke up with me, Zach."

"I'm so sorry, man." If only I were the innocent one here.

"I deserved it. I asked if she still loved Evan, her ex, and then called her a bitch." I am such a jerk. Of course she doesn't love him, she was with me.

"You actually said that?" He looks so shocked and I don't blame him; it was so out of character for me.

"Well, she slammed the door in my face before I could finish."

"You screwed up. Big time."

"I know." I don't know how to fix this, I don't think I can. He stayed for a while then left. Around 11, I thought I saw headlights in the driveway, but by the time I got downstairs they were gone. Guess someone was just lost. Why did I hope it was her? A few months later someone knocks on my door. Stay, which is still on repeat just ended or I would have missed it. It's her.

"Megann? How's Hannah? Please tell me she wants me back." She shouldn't forgive me, but I want her to.

"I won't tell you if she does or not. You should talk to her, though. Anyway, that's not why I'm here. Cameron, she's moving back to Wisconsin." My heart sinks.

"How? What? When?" She can't go! I need to make things right. I have to get her back.

"In 3 months. Her dad wants to be close to his family again."

"No! This can't be possible! Please tell me you're joking." She gives me the look to say she isn't. "Maybe it's for the best. If we were meant to be, she'ld be staying here."

"You're seriously not gonna fight for her anymore?" I guess I'm not.

"No." I can't. If I got her back, I would just lose her again. I can't handle that.

"You really are a jerk, Cameron. I hope you know that." Oh do I ever.

*Hannah's POV*

The past 3 months I've had If This Was A Movie by Taylor Swift on repeat. It was perfect. He said we'ld never change, we would always laugh with our friends, I kept going down his street, I thought of us, we had a fight, and I still want him back. I miss Cameron so much, but now I'm moving.

"Come back to me, Cameron. Please!

"Honey, he won't. If this was a movie, he would be here by now." I start crying again.

"Dad, sometimes quoting a song isn't a good idea."

"And yelling at an invisible person to come back is?"

"You don't get it! I loved, still love, him." Now I am in hysterics. I really thought we were perfect together, but he proved me wrong.

"Eric, I think it's better for me to handle this." Mom walks in and sits by me. "Oh sweetie, I know it hurts now, but you will move on. I promise you'll find the right guy and he'll make you forget Evan and Cameron."

"I don't want to forget Cameron!"

"You need to. It ended and that's it."

"This isn't how I wanted us to end. I wanted us to end together."

"Maybe you still will."

"We won't." I lost hope when he didn't come back for me.

"There's still 3 more months for him to come back."

"Mom, you really aren't helping. I'd like to be alone now."

"Okay sweetie. One day, Cameron will just be a name to you." I really hope that isn't true.
