Rob and Lola's Ups and Downs

Rob and Lola

"Why are you freaking out so much?" asked Emma.

"Don't you get it? She's coming," hissed Lola, who was pacing the floor snapping a rubber band continuously of her left wrist creating a welt.

"So, why does it matter? You won't even have to see her!" Emma exclaimed in an attempt to calm her friend.

"It's just the fact that she'll be here! It scares me, she doesn't belong here!" she stopped pacing and stared at her friend, fear filling her hazel eyes. "I'm in love with him, and I don't want her here, I hate her!" she said throwing her hands in the air and pacing once more.

"It's ok," Emma said putting her hand on Lola's shoulder.

"He won't even talk to me," Lola said holding back her tears only so she wouldn't ruin her stage makeup. "And this isn't exactly the time for him to be ignoring me," she felt the strong urge to cut, but she knew deep down that it would only anger Rob if he found out. She didn't want him to be mad at her. So instead she started snapping her rubber band again, the pain somehow pacifying her.

She walked into the green room and perched herself on a table. Everyone was being told to close their eyes (the helpers were trying to get them to meditate). She did as she was told.

Lola listened to the soothing voice of the helpers. She was trying her hardest to concentrate on no more than what they were saying, but it was hard. Eventually she got the hang of it and started to relax, but before she knew it they were finished. She opened her eyes and let them adjust to the light, and for a moment she was calm. Then he walked in.

Lola's heart skipped a beat. She had been longing to see Rob all day long. But as soon as he noticed her he turned his head away and busied himself by striking up a conversation with a nearby cast member. Her heart sank in her chest. What had she done wrong? Was it something she said? Or was it her again? She closed her eyes once again and started to breathe deeply. She wanted to cry, but more than anything she wished that she had said yes all those weeks ago.

Her and Rob were on the phone. He was looking to get himself into a new girlfriend and at first he had asked her, but she said no, because she was afraid that her friends would get mad. Now she realized how stupid that was of her. She shouldn't have cared about what they would say not if she loved him. But for that moment what they thought was everything, and that one decision was slowly killing her.
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