Dear Rockstar

Track 3: Lunch Box

"I wanna grow up, wanna be a big rock n roll star!!" Jess screamed real loud. Renee and I rolled around on the grass laughing as Kelly tried to pick up Jess then failed. The amazing days of our sillyness scared our relatives, but provoked our guy friends. Greg, Jay, Colbey, and Aaron gave us our beer and music as we spun around with no control. The boys only wanted in return was obvious, sexually obvious.

But eventually we went home before they got their "reward". Jess, Renee, and Kelly were my best friends, plus I had a crush on Jess for the longest time, since high school. Hoping every day we could be more than friends. An idea always was stuck in my head, to become Manson band cosplayers, but I never told anyone.

Well not until, Renee found my notebook of ideas in my college school bag, she questioned me asking why she was drawn as Zim Zum. Because she would make the cutest Zim Zum ever I replied.
Jess was Manson, and Kelly was John 5, and I was Ginger since I had brown hair with blonde highlights. Jess thought it was a great idea, but Kelly and Renee both urgued that they were fat, even though they wasnt, to even think of dressing like a skimpy Zim Zum or slutty John 5.

I urgued it would be fun and we could be even closer, all we need is Twiggy and Pogo. Thats when I remembered Greg's little sister, who is obsessed over Nine Inch Nails and Jeordie White. I could introduced her into Manson's music since Twiggy Ramirez and Jeordie White is the same person.

Now we wait....
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Based off of something I wanted to do :) I wished I had more Girl friends to cosplay with who love Manson as much as I do.