Last Night, Good Night

2 Weeks Later

2 weeks past and no sign of Alex. I miss him. But as Tanya said "He will be a diffrent person". Sometimes i ponder about Alexs' and I memories together. Like the time when Alex and I snuck out of the house and went skinny dipping in the lake. Good times. I smile and wonder if Alex will look the same. Will he? Then, I hear a tap outside my bedroom window. I stiffen up. What if its him? I get up from my bed and look. It's just Ben. Ben is my best friend since the 3rd grade. He smiled and winked at me. I open the window.
"Hey good-looking. Whats up?" He's such a charmer.
"Ben what are you doing here? Its almost 4 in the morning." Sometimes i wonder if this boy ever sleeps.
"Just wanted to say hey hi hello.... I miss your old self. What happened?" His voice had a bit of concern in it.
"Alex died thats what happened. Seriously,what do want?" I'm starting to get frustrated at this point.
"Caitlyn, will you go out with me?"
I stared at him in disbelief. What do I do?