Wanna Know a Secret?

Only Chapter.

I sat watching television in my dorm room, remote next to me, textbook in my lap. I was chewing on the side of my cheek, and tapping my foot to the music emanating from the television. A special announcement came on the TV, so I picked up the remote to turn the volume up, leaning forward. I pushed the wrong button however, like always, and the TV. made a static-y fizzling noise, froze, and then died with a loud pop.

"Oh, shit, not again!" I mumbled, slipping on a pair of flip-flop, and walking toward the door.

The hot sun beat down on my shoulder blades, and my bare legs were met with a slight breeze as I closed and locked the door to trap my air-conditioning. I adjusted my shorts, and glanced down at my tank top before heading over to the senior dorms. I followed the familiar path to the door with the blue marker board, and picture of a full moon posted in the corner. I knocked twice, and waited a moment. The door creaked open slowly, and I grinned upon seeing my friend's eyes.

"Uh, hi Julian…" I glanced up at the sky sheepishly as he opened the door the rest of the way.

"What'd you break now, Ariel?" He asked sighing. I pouted jokingly.

"What? I can't just stop by to see my old friend?" I swatted his shoulder, and he shook his head, before stepping into the sun.

"Come on; let's go see if I can fix it this time." He chuckled. I trailed behind, mumbling 'You always do.'

I tossed him my keys which he quickly caught, when I noticed something odd.

"are you feeling okay? You're kinda like, pale." I stated. He glanced at me before shrugging and unlocking the door.

"What were you doing when you broke it?" He asked, checking the plugs. I sighed, before answering the same questions he always asks when I break stuff.

"I was studying, and it like went chresssh, and then froze, and then was like PAH! and died." I shrugged. Julian paused from halfway under the television stand, and looked up at me smirking.

"It did what now?" He asked, barely withholding a laugh. I glared and stuck out my tongue at him before he stood and pushed a few buttons on my cable box. The TV. slowly came back to life and I grinned.

"See, I knew I didn't break it." I laughed. He chuckled and shook his head, before glancing at the television. A news reporter was talking about a massive outbreak spreading all across the u.s., which they thought might be a new, rare std. It caused violent attacks of cannibalism and bouts of insanity.

"It's actually not proven that it has anything to do with sexual activity. It appears to be spreading too quickly, perhaps through the air. The closest thing I can compare it to is zombies, without dyeing." I gasped, and the T.V. faded out again. Julian was standing with his thumb on the power button of the remote.

"Aw, come on Ariel, do we really want to watch that. Besides, I have a secret, wanna hear it?" He smirked, and walked up behind me, hands on my shoulders gently.

"Yeah? What's that?" I asked, as his fingers began running in circles. I felt his breath on my ear, before he spoke.

"It is being a zombie." he whispered. Before I could even think about what he said, or respond to it, he bit down on my ear. I screamed roughly and wetly though tears, as blood poured everywhere. The last thing I saw was his body come tackling on top of mine, and then it all went dark…

It's exactly like being a zombie.
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This idea came about becuase of the emoticon in the background, I thought it was a zombie before I was informed it was really someon telling secrets. I hope you got a kick out of it.