
One (and only)

Driving always helped her clear her mind – temporarily push out all the madness that she called her thoughts. Tonight might just be the night. During countless drives down this highway, she thought of just doing it – pressing the reset button. She was both curious as to how people would react mostly believing that no one would care but also wondering what was on the other side. She firmly believed that you would just jump into another dimension, another life, and wished so badly just to get out of her so-called life.

Tears streaming down her face, she could no longer see the road clearly. Headlights became balls of light. The white and yellow lines on the tarmac are dusty, undefined lines on a chalkboard. The street signs were no longer visible through the tears collecting on her waterline.

Is she scared to do it? - Only slightly.

Does she really want it this way? – Desperately.

“Don’t do it!” One of the voices in her head said. “This is your chance to start over.” Another said. “You’re going to hurt the people who love you.” One said. “No one gives a shit.” Said another.

They’re all correct. She always hopes that things would get better if she just kept pushing for it, but she’s sick and tired of waiting. She’s made too many mistakes that what’s left of her future is not what she wants at all. It would just be better for herself and everyone around her to just put an end to this misery.

With that, she noticed a large truck blazing in the oncoming lane of traffic. Completely numb to any danger or pain, she stepped on the accelerator and turned her steering wheel towards the bright lights of the semi-truck.

Metal crunched. A voice yelled. Still numb to any pain, her heartbeat fading, she used the remainder of her strength to smile genuinely for the first time in ages.