Status: Believe your own heart, not societies heart. ~Moi Nutcase

The Bittersweet Moments of a Butterfly Crush



I see you,
You see me,
I am the lamb,
You are the lion.

I look in your eyes,
You and your insanely blue eyes,
I am under your spell,
You momentarily stop my heart.

I try and move on,
You return my gaze,
I can hear my heart breaking apart,
You, just for a second, make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the universe.

‘Venenzia De Luca, why… why on earth did you write this?’ I muttered to myself, before throwing the hideously awful love poem in the rubbish bin, ripping it up and scrunching it for good measure. I shook my head, trying to get him out of my head, out of my life. Because he was not allowed in my mind. He was not allowed in head, but he was an immaculate trespasser… so good at it, I often didn’t realized he had trespassed into my mind until I had gotten halfway through yet another, shockingly poor-tasted love poem with him holding up his trophy, victorious, yet again. I lay back on my satin sheets a murmured under my breath ‘No more distraction, no more poems, no more day-dreaming, Stay on track! No more distraction, no more poems, no more day-dreaming, Stay on track…’
From now on, I promised to myself that he would not distract me, from anything, not just studying. So what if he was handsome? He was an infamous playboy. He didn’t want me for anything, not even for a sexual toy! If he wanted some action, he could go and impregnate one of his ridiculously perfect female models that he uses in his photography.
I got to my feet and walked to my vanity. I picked up my favorite dark red lipstick and wrote on my mirror:

Shelby Lachance will never again cross my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter,
new endeavour,
what do you reckon?