Time to Dance

A Love That Never Dies

(Pete's POV)

"Will!" I screamed as I woke up to arms wrapped around me.

"Hey handsome." I heard. It was the voice of my wife, Amanda, but how can that be?

I turned to my left and saw Amanda just as beautiful as ever. I was lying in our bed that appeared to be at our house. I didn't understand.

"Am I dead?" I asked as she traced her fingers over my chest. I looked down to see her tracing a scar. Then I remembered my fight with Dimitri and fear took over.

"Relax. You worry too much, you know that? That is why you have too many worry lines on your forehead." She said before gently kissing it.

"Where is Will? Where am I, if I am not dead?" I asked.

"Pete, listen to me. You are not dead, well, you are still a vampire but you aren't dead as in gone for good. You are resting peacfully. Your body is healing from your wound." Amanda said as she stroked my chest again.

"You only temporarily helped our son and Josh escape. Dimitri got to our son, Pete." Amanda said sending me into a panic.

I sat up in the bed. "No!" I said clenching my fists together before flying up off the bed.

"Our son is..." I didn't want to say it.

"Will is like his father." Amanda replied as she walked over to me taking my fists into her hands. I wanted to go off into a deep rage. That was my son. Dimitri has taken my son from me.

"Is he like me or...?" I couldn't see straight anymore and I couldn't take this news. My family is falling apart because of this Dimitri vampire.

"Our son has a good heart. He fought just like his father did nineteen years ago." Amanda smiled. "I hate what has become of this family. I wish there was something I could do but I am still stuck here in this coma I am in. Pete, you are the only one who can bring me back but its not time yet." She sighed.

"Why not? If I am the only one who can bring you back, why can't I do it now?" I demanded.

"You will know in time when it is right to wake me." She said touching my cheek.

I grabbed Amanda and held onto her tight. She felt real in my arms. This didn't feel like a dream and I wanted to stay here forever with Amanda. I didn't want to leave but I had to wake soon. Will and Alex need me.

"I'm sorry for not visiting and staying as long as I should have. Maybe that's the reason." I almost choked out.

"Pete, I don't blame you for anything. It is what it is. This isn't my fight right now. I will wake when you know the time is right. You need to be there for your kids. Will, Alex, and Elizabeth all need you right now." Amanda said as she backed away for a bit.

"Alex must be devestated about her brother. I can't let her out of the house. I won't. I did this to her. Dimitri wants our daughter and its my fault. I bit you when you were pregnant. I caused this mess. Dimitri won't stop until he has Alexandra. I have seen the look in her eyes when Dimitri is around." I said starting to get angry again.

"And he used our son to get to her now I bet. Where is Will?" I asked.

"Will is with the family. He is going to be ok. Our son is smart, Pete. You just need to teach him the ropes a bit. He might surprise you. He's stronger then you are." Amanda laughed.

"Why do you find that funny?" I asked.

"Because he has my blood coarsing through his veins too, remember. He has a bit of super strength from me. I just remember our first training session together. You thought you had me but I had you." Amanda grinned.

"I remember that day. You snuck into my window. I almost killed you." I said smiling not at wanting to kill her but what happened afterwards.

"Yeah, but you didn't. Then you got mad at me and we started going at it attacking each other. You pinned me, but I had you pinned in the end until Patrick and the boys came home." Amanda added laughing.

"You had my heart, body and soul and no matter how many times I tried to push you away, I couldn't stay away. I hurt you so many times." I trailed.

"None of that matters, Pete. It was in the past. Stop dwelling on the past mistakes and start protecting the future of this family. You had me and you still have me here." She said touching my chest where my heart is.

"Listen, start teaching Will how to use his vampire skills to fight. Don't let Elizabeth go out fighting. I worry that she will want to join the fight against Dimitri too. As for Alexandra. I want you to let her out. You can't always protect her, Pete. I know as parents we want to protect our children and we should but cut her some slack. She has been cooped up for so long. Besides look at how our relationship was. I kept her on a tight leash because I was so afraid of what may happen with all the dreams I had." Amanda scolded me.

"But, if she goes out then Dimitri..." I was shushed by a finger on my lips.

"Trust Alexandra. You did not hurt her by biting me before she was born. I know our daughter. She needs to be out on the streets protecting people and stopping these monsters. Her time will come to face Dimitri, Pete, and as much as I hate to say it, there won't be a darn thing we can do. But for now, guide her into the slayer she needs to be. Alex has all of our friends to help and then there is Nate." Amanda smiled.

"What's Nate got to do with this?" I asked.

"Nate is her watcher. You have trained him well. Besides I like him. I trust him around Alex to keep her out of trouble. He reminds me of a younger version of you in a way." Amanda smiled.

"No! He reminds me of a younger Urie which leads to trouble. Its bad enough he is dating our daughter. I wanted him to protect her not fall in love with her." I replied.

"Oh, Peter. When will you ever learn anything about love. You can't stop it. Look at us." She laughed again as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"I worry more about Alex every day." I sighed.

"I know you do but sometimes you have to let go. Things are going to be scary and dangerous but how else is Alex going to learn things? Pete as I said there will be a day when she will have to face Dimitri. Just like as I had to face Dracula and his brother, Volkmar. Trust Alex. It may not seem like it now, but our daughter can fight this. And trust Nate." Amanda replied with that infectious smile.

"I have to go now." Amanda replied as she tried to pull away.

"I can't do this without you!" I yelled grabbing her arm and preventing her from leaving me.

"You can and you must for now. You will know when the time is right." She said looking over her shoulder behind her.

"Stay with me a bit longer?" I pleaded.

It felt like two magnets from opposite sides in how they pull away from each other. I wasn't letting go of Amanda's left arm though. I fought with everything to pull her to me one last time and I had won but for only for a few extra minutes.

"Pete, I have to..." She stopped as I grabbed her, holding onto her with everything in me.

This was my dream darn it and I was not going to let Amanda get away that easily. I pulled her to me and kissed her lips; lips I have wanted to kiss for so long. We stayed that way for as long as we could before she broke our connection but not before gazing into my eyes, one last time.

"I love you." I said as she drifted out of my arms. Then I woke up knowing that things may not be great but that they would be ok if I just tried. Amanda and I have a love that never dies and it reflects through our children; children I would protect with my life. No more thoughts of running away to protect them because that was never the answer. That was me not dealing with my problems head on. No this time things are different and Dimitri had better watch his back.