Time to Dance

What Have I Done?

Nate laid on the ground as I ran sliding over to him and falling to my knees. I didn't care that I was outnumbered and I didn't care about my fate. All I cared about in this moment was Nate. He was fading from me.

"Nathaniel Urie you are not going to leave me, do you hear!" I screamed at him as his eyes started to roll back. I tried to fight the tears but I couldn't stop them all from sliding down my face. I touched his face. I looked at his wound. There was so much blood with what he had left in him gushing out as I put pressure on the wound. Nate with his left hand grabbed my right wrist as I slid out of his grasp.

"You are not going to die! Drink!" I said taking a stake I had laid on the ground and cutting my wrist with the sharp edge of the wood. I pushed my wrist up to his pale lips that were almost blue, like someone who had stopped breathing, only vampires don't breathe.

"How poetic. I really don't know why you are even going to bother. I have you where I want you and you know there is no escaping. Do you really think you can save him? I think not. He hasn't had a drink in a long while." Dimitri wickedly laughed. I tried to ignore him.

"I can't." Nate barely got out as his eyes focused back on me. "Everything I have worked for..."

"I don't give a shit and I don't care what you think you were working on. Just drink!" I screamed at him not understanding what he was saying. I just didn't want to lose him.

"Drink, Nate. You and I both know that slayer blood makes a vampire stronger." I said in his thoughts. "Darn it Nate, we don't have much time if you want to get out of here alive with me. Otherwise I am not leaving you here alone."

Nate finally grabbed my wrist in front of his lips and bit down hard. I wanted to scream from the pain because it was rough. The vampire in him won and a thirsty vampire can be a dangerous thing.

"Stop, Nate." I said when he wouldn't stop. I was becoming weak but Nate was starting to heal. "Nate!" I yelled in his thoughts and painfully jerked my wrist away grabbing it and trying to stop the rush of blood.

"You did this!" I said as I got up and lunged towards Dimitri. He blocked my blows and managed to knock my ass on the ground.

"Give it up slayer. You keep thinking that you can defeat me when you can't." Dimitri replied as Nate still laid on the ground.

"Wanna bet?" I said pounding into Dimitri so hard. I just started to channel all my energy, anger, and bitterness towards him. I almost had Dimitri at one point as I managed to get ahold of his sword until I was distracted by a blonde headed girl dressed in black. Nate by this time had gotten up and came to but just long enough to see the beginning of my downfall.

"Stop." The girl replied as she had mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. This was the distraction that Dimitri needed to get the upperhand.

"Alex, move!" Nate said from behind me but as it was for him, I was too late. Dimitri grabbed me by my neck and pulled me to him as I started to try and fight my way out of his grasp but even though my mind was energized, my body was not as the blood loss was catching up to me.

It all happened so fast. Dimitri had me by my neck and pulled me to him. I let one sharp, quick scream as his sharp, pointy fangs tore into the flesh of my neck. I felt my life being drained and taken away from me. Then it was over as he released me. Suddenly, I didn't feel too good.

I heard Dimitri and then Nate's voice or at least I think I heard him yell something. I took one step and fell into Nate's arms. He must have used his vampire speed to get to me. My eyes became heavy. This was not how I wanted to die. Unlike my mother's second chance, I had no one to perform CPR and to keep me breathing. It was kind of ironic though how my death would be similar to her's.

"What have I done?" I heard Nate sob.