Time to Dance

Best Friends, Ex Friends To The End, Better Off As Lovers, But Not The Other Way Around

"Nate?" I asked shocked and surprised to see him here. "Why?" I let slip out. Nate wasn't himself. His eyes were darker with circles under his eyes. He looked tired from not sleeping and obviously hungry for blood. He was Nate but he wasn't my Nate. Something I didn't understand had happened to him and I couldn't feel him. He felt a regular vampire to me, the ones with no souls. I refused to believe that Nate lost his soul.

Nate didn't respond. Instead he gave a wicked grin and began to lick his lips. His fangs were out. I didn't want to fight him but if I had to I would if it prevented him attacking anymore innocent victims, but then it got me thinking. Nate couldn't be all bad. Maybe his soul is still there fighting. I mean he didn't kill those two humans; he only bit them and drank a bit. A normal vampire wouldn't have done that and killed their prey. There had to be a chance that my Nate was still there fighting to come back somehow.

I tossed my stake on the ground. Nate saw that and charged at me. I flipped him onto the ground but he bounced back up with his vampire abilities. Nate knew my fighting style better than anyone as he had helped me to train. This wasn't going to be easy.

"Nate, it's Alex. I know you have to be in there. You didn't want to hurt those victims but you needed blood. You didn't kill them Nate." I replied trying to get through to him but it was no use.

"Nate, it's Alex." He mocked. "You're supposed to be dead. Just wait until Dimitri finds out you are alive." Nate laughed. It sent shivers down my spine. I had to work harder.

We fought and I gave him a good busted lip. Nothing I did or said got through to him. Finally, I just quit fighting. It was getting us nowhere and I was tired of his taunts.

"What are you doing, slayer?" Nate asked a bit confused but still on his guard.

"I quit. You want me, you can have me, but only you. Not Dimitri or any other vampire. If it's blood you are after or a life, take mine." I said taking Nate off guard.

Nate grabbed me hard by the neck and slammed me into a wall. Not going to lie, that hurt but I knew what I was doing or so I think I did. My body may be suffering but the wounds would heal, my heart no so much if I didn't find some way to get through to Nate.

"How are you alive?" Nate asked.

"Whose asking; the monster or my Nate?" I challenged. Nate's grip on me got tighter. He had my arms pinned against the wall now and I grimaced from the pain.

For a second, I saw a hint of my Nate as his eyes softened a bit. He stared at me as if he was happy to see me alive but then it all faded. I just shook my head.

"Why are you stalling? If you want me, I said here I am." I moved my neck over for it to be easier for him to kill me.

"Why are you giving up so easily?" Nate asked.

"I'm giving up if it means saving a life of someone I love. I love you, Nathaniel Urie and I am not giving up on you or us. I don't care how dangerous or toxic our love may be right now but I can't live without you. I already tried that. If this will truely make you happy, go ahead. My neck is yours for the taking." I answered. My heart started racing. It ached.

Nate bared his fangs and leaned into my neck. I closed my eyes bracing for the damage that was about to be done but at least I hoped that if by hurting me or killing me it would bring Nate back and out of whatever hold Dimitri has on him. After a few seconds there was nothing. Nate kissed my neck like he used to do and moved to my ear to whisper.

"You really love me?" He whispered but I could tell it was a confused question. Nate was struggling to regain himself and I knew then that he couldn't hurt me.

"I do love you. Don't you remember me, Nathaniel? Don't you remember us?" I asked as he faced me now.

"It's all...no! You are tricking me. They said you would!" He replied before going for my neck again, fangs extended.

I managed to get my left hand free and place it on his heart. The next thing I knew Nate was ripped away from me. I looked over to my right to see Jace with his fangs extended going after Nate.