Time to Dance

Buying Time

"Wha..? Alex!" I heard Nate scream as I took off down the street away from Nate; away from everything. The only way I knew I could distract Nate was to stake him from behind in the shoulder. I could run fast and get a decent head start before Nate came chasing after me.

I stopped a few times breathing hard. I just needed to catch my breath. When I stopped I was always careful, checking behind me just to make sure Nate wasn't following me. I could feel him if he approached near me but he still could creep along behind me away from my built in radar detection for vampires.

Once I caught my breath at the last stop I turned around and ran smack into Nate. Damn. How did he catch up this fast?

"So we're down to you staking me now?" Nate asked pissed, grabbing me hard by my shoulders.

"I needed to buy some time. I can't let you go to Dimitri alone or without me. He wants me, Nate. I am the only chance your family has of getting out safe. For so long I have had nightmares. I just want them to end. I don't want any of this. I don't want you to be a vampire and I don't want to be a slayer. None of my family signed up for this Nate. We were just chosen and it happened. It ends with me. I'm done with waiting. I've seen how this ends. It won't be pretty." I said touching Nate's right cheek. "I'm sorry I staked you."

"I don't want to let you go. I know I have to. I know I was sent to get you, I was prepared but now..." Nate's voice trailed.

"I know but you have to. It's funny. We spent all our lives growing up together but now that we are together as a couple there isn't any time for us." I sighed.

"So what do we do now?" Nate asked.

"How is your shoulder?" I asked as Nate removed his jacket with the hole from the stake in the back.

"I think it will heal. I'll deal."

"I have a plan." I said as a lightbulb went off in my brain.

"This can't be good." Nate shook his head. "Let me guess; you are wanting to go in that mansion guns ablazing right?"

"Sort of. You need to heal for the fight. Bite me." I said.

"What? Ok, now I know you have officially gone insane!" Nate said putting his hands up in the air before touching my shoulders.

"Hear me out. You bite me, my slayer blood gives you a bit of super strength to heal. You also knock me out. This way you can carry me into the front door of the mansion. Dimitri thinks you are still under his spell and that he has won his prize which is me of sorts. He wants me alive for a bit so it may help buy us some time to free your mom and sister." I said.

"No." Nate said.

"For crying out loud! What now? My plan is fool proof." I said.

"You are forgetting one thing. If I drink your blood you are going to be weak when you wake up. If there is a fight soon after, you won't be strong enough." Nate reasoned.

"I don't care. I love that you want to protect me but you have to protect me until the end which is when I take my last breath. I will keep fighting until then." I said.

"Don't talk like that." Nate said walking away from me.

"Nate, I love you. You know this is the only way." I said as he stopped.

"Fine, but I know of some tunnels that run through the forrest and to the mansion. They were built as an escape when the new mansion was built over the ruins. Dimitri has a few vampire guards that guard that entrance. If they see me carrying you in my arms that might buy us some time too because I can lie and say I was being chased by my dad or something so I had to hide. I will protect you but just remember we have to keep up the ruse that I am still brainwashed and there may be some hurtful things said." Nate said turning around.

"I'm ready when you are." I said standing in the moonlight. I pushed some hair away from my neck.

"Close your eyes." Nate whispered in my ear as he pulled me close to him. "No matter what happens, I love you."

"Always." I replied before Nate pulled me into an intense, passionate kiss. We kissed for several minutes before he traced his finger down my neck and over my scar before sinking his fangs deep into my skin.

The feeling he gave me when he bit into my skin was intense. I didn't want him to stop and it made me briefly wonder if he didn't want to stop. I dug my nails into the back of his shirt as I grabbed onto him. Memories started to play in my mind. I couldn't tell if Nate was doing it to ease my worry or if I was doing it. Then all was quiet as I slipped unconcious.