Time to Dance

Grow Up

(Pete's POV)

Does anyone ever realize how hard it is to wait for something? I thought the daylight would never end. Being couped up until darkness falls when your wife, daughter and friends are being held captive by a crazy, psycho vampire is rough.

"We have all the weapons ready." Patrick said as Andy and Joe were loading up the van taking me out of my counting down mode. "Chrissy, Nonnie, Sam, and Bev are going to stay at my house with the twins, and Olivia. Sean who is already there and Bailey are going to stay with them for protection."

I nodded my head. "Thanks, Bailey."

"No problem. Dad and you guys all taught me everything I needed to know over the years to always be prepared." Bailey replied as he left to keep them safe.

"Oh and Dad?" Bailey turned back and said.

"Yes?" Patrick asked.

"Come back safe for Mom." Bailey replied hugging Patrick.

"You know it." Patrick half smiled. I wasn't sure if it was from fear or confidence.

"I'm not going with Bailey! I am going with you!" I heard Lyra yell at Andy and Josh.

"Lyra, you have to go. It's the only way for you to stay safe." Andy said to his daughter.

"No, I don't! Alex and Kayla are my bestfriends. I want to help. I will run out of this place kicking and screaming until some vampire grabs me and I make him take me to Dimitri!" Lyra screamed.

Suddenly the room got quiet and then everyone busted out laughing including me. "Lyra, even I couldn't compel you to leave." I shook my head but then everything returned to being serious.

"Lyra, you have to go. It's the only way to keep you safe in case they come for you too. I wouldn't be able to stand it if something happened to you." Josh replied placing his forehead against Lyra's.

"I don't care. I am going and I willl fight your compulsion with everything in me. I love you, Josh, but I also love my friends too." Lyra said.

Andy nodded his forehead as he hugged his daughter. "Come along then, but you stay quiet, keep back, and stay beside me or Josh." Andy warned.

That was the end of that. As everyone piled into the vans, I noticed Brendon hadn't joined us yet. I found him pacing the kitchen. "Brendon, it's time." I said.

"Erelin, isn't talking to me. She isn't responding. Something's wrong. I can just feel it." Brendon said nervously and still pacing the floor.

"It's ok, Brendon. We will save her; all of them." I said reassuring.

"No it's not ok. That monster has my daughter, son, and wife! It's different than the last times, Pete. He has my kids involved!" Brendon said slamming his fist on the kitchen counter.

"Dimitri has my daughter and wife too." I replied.

"I know. I'm sorry, Pete. It's just that..." Brendon trailed off when he saw Elizabeth standing in the doorway.

"Lizzie?" I asked, stunned to see her. In all of the confusion I hadn't sensed that she was here.

"Dad, I'm fourteen, not a child. I can handle this. I am a slayer now, right? My sister needs me." Lizzie said. In that instant I saw how grown up Elizabeth had become.

"I thought you were with Chrissy and the twins?" Brendon asked.

"I snuck out awhile ago. Call it slayers intuition. I was careful. I know I haven't had much training since I became a slayer but its because you wanted to protect me. I got it but there is something much larger out there that needs our attention. Dad, Mom, and Alex need me. Alex can't do this alone as much as she thinks she can." Lizzie pleaded.

I looked at Brendon who shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, but stay close to me or your brother. I can't risk Dimitri having you too." I sighed.

We left the house. Will wasn't a happy camper that his baby sister was coming along but she managed to convince even him that she belonged there fighting. We found the spot Nate marked on the map to park our vehicles and searched for some sort of tunnels. Finally, we found a water drainage pipe that was huge and covered by weeds, branches, and debris. This was our way in. This pipe would lead us into the secret tunnels that would take us into the mansion. "Amanda, we are on our way." I said in my thoughts.