Time to Dance

The Heart Doesn't Lie

I picked up my phone to see I had lost the connection with Nate's mom. I couldn't hear anymore anyway. I looked over at mom and then I ran out of the room.

I ran all the way outside and into the parking lot. Then I started screaming and I bent down to the ground and started crying. How was everything going to be ok? My life is falling apart.

I managed to pull myself together and started to walk back towards the hospital. I turned around thinking that someone was behind me. I saw no one.

I walked back into the hospital and back into mom's room. I carefully climbed into her bed and put my head on her shoulder. I really needed my mom right now.

I drifted off to sleep and found myself at home but it wasn't the home I know now. It was from when I was little. I heard voices from the kitchen and walked to it.

"Mommy, I missed you!” I saw a five year old version of me say as I ran up to a younger mom.

“Oh, I missed you too, Alex.” She said picking me up.

“Look what I made you in kindergarten today.” Younger me said holding up a picture.

“I see. Here’s me, and you and…” Mom began to say.

“Daddy’s here!” Younger me said pointing as I remembered this memory. Then I woke up.

I sat up and climbed off mom's bed. There was still no change as I looked up at her monitors. I looked at my watch to see that it was almost four am. I sighed and sat in a chair and then grabbed mom's hand.

"Mom, I need you and I need dad. Something I can't explain is going on. I am confused. This evening I learned that Nate is missing as well. Mom, I think I love him. No, I do love him. There is this hole in my heart. It aches. I feel like I am having everything taken away from me and to top it off I have nightmares. Vampires can't be real. You killed them all.

Now, I am having dreams and a vampire said he wanted to take everything away from me. I'm scared mom because I don't know what to do or what to believe. I should have told you sooner about my dreams but I was afraid. I think you knew something was going on and that is why you did the things you did when I was a kid.

I can't lose Nate, mom. He is my best friend. He is more than that. He is the only boy I have a connection with. He understands me. I know I am young but what if we are soulmates like you and dad are? I love him and I never got to say that to him." I said trying to fight back tears.

I felt a prescence of sorts and turned around to hear a crack of the door of mom's room. I got up and ran out of the room but saw no one but nurses down the hall. I listened to my heart and took off towards the elevator.

I grabbed the next one and went down to the first floor. I ran out of the ER entrance and into the parking lot. I grabbed my necklace with my left hand. I noticed there was a trail of blood and followed it until it stopped.

"Nate?" I yelled looking around. Then the feeling was gone.

I walked back up to mom's room and looked out her window. Something was going on. Something I had to find out soon before I lose everyone important to me.