Time to Dance

Being Closer To You

Once class was over I looked at my watch. It was almost one p.m. and I had one more class to go before school let out. Kayla looked at me and said her goodbyes as she took off to her last class as Nate walked me to my next class.

"Dude, did you hear that my brother has detention for getting into a fight with Jake?" Josh, Dean's younger brother and my aunt Bev and uncle Joe's son replied as Nate and I had made it to my class.

"We know about it. Alexandra was there." Nate said pulling me close. Whatever cologne he was wearing today sure had me wanting to be around him more.

"You were there?" Josh asked.

"Yeah. Jake and his friend were being idiots and Dean just happened to come by at the time he did to see Jake's friend smack my butt. You know how Dean gets protective. I managed to break up the fight though. I flipped Jake over and down the hall." I said as if it was no big deal.

"You didn't tell me anything about that." Nate said a little hurt.

"I didn't think it was important. I can take care of myself. I just tuned Jake out and when his friend started to hurt Dean well, then it became personal. I don't know. It just felt like it was the right thing to do at the time." I said.

"Alexandra, you amaze me." Nate said smiling.

"Sometimes, I amaze myself. Well, there is the first bell. Josh is already inside." I smiled hoping Nate would notice how happy he makes me.

"You know, I wish I was taking this class. Rock N Roll history seemed awesome to take but dad wanted me in the band." He said rolling his eyes.

"Your dad is so weird. You would think that he would want you here." I said.

"I know. Mom didn't mind but he overruled saying I needed a better elective. Go figure." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, I was wondering that since Dean is going to have detention if you can give me a ride home today?" I asked.

"Sure. You know I would do anything for you." Nate replied smiling. "Kayla can sit in the back." He laughed giving me a hug as the second bell rang.

"Well, there is my cue. You are so going to be late to your class." I laughed.

"It is band practice. They won't even miss me." He said laughing and heading back to his class.

I don't know what it is but something keeps drawing me closer to Nate. I want to be around him more. Maybe I am being delusional today, after what happened earlier and the fact that he smelt so fine. Only time will tell.