Time to Dance

Who Wants To Be Prom Queen

"Alex, you should forget about me." Nate said without turning around as I followed him into the lobby.

"I can't. That is the problem. Why won't you look at me?" I said grabbing his right arm and spinning him around.

"You should probably go back in there. They are about to announce who the king and queen are." Nate said.

"I don't care. You promised that you would not leave me." I said.

"Alexandra, we can't be together. I shouldn't have come here tonight but I..." He said.

"Ok, the votes have been tallied and your prom queen is...Alexandra Wentz!" Elsie said in the ballroom with a round of applause following her.

"Alexandra Wentz?" She said again into the mic.

"I am not going in there without you." I said.

"Yes you are." Nate said grabbing my arm forcefully.

"No, I am not! You are coming too." I said. If he can play this game then so can I. I grabbed his arm tightly and yanked him back into the ballroom as I saw Kayla and Will stop as they saw me walk in the ballroom. I guess they saw me run out and were coming to get me.

A spotlight flashed on me as soon as I walked into the ballroom and I still held onto Nate's arm. Even if I had to dig my nails into his arm, he was not going to get away from me. The crowd just cheered at me as I smiled and awkward smile and waved.

"The votes for your prom king are...Nate Urie!" Elsie said again with people cheering for Nate. I looked at him. He didn't look comfortable. It was like he had to let his guard down or something.

"Come on up here you two." Elsie grinned.

I still had a hold of Nate's arm and led him up to the stage where our principal and Elsie were standing. On the way, Kayla and Will gave me an awkward and confused look. Didn't they know or see me with Nate as I ran out of the ballroom seconds ago?

"Congratulations you two! You both deserve this." Elsie said as she put the crown on Nate's head and a tiara on me.

"Do you guys have anything you want to say to your fellow seniors?" She said.

I looked at Nate who seemed distant at this moment. Something was wrong but I couldn't place it. I grabbed the mic from Elsie. I wasn't good at speeches but I wanted to say thank you at least. Being prom queen really wasn't my thing but I had to say something.

When I was about to speak, I saw Lyra walk in from the lobby. I noticed she had a nasty wound on her neck and she was staggering around. I was about to ask for someone to help her but I collapsed onto the floor of the stage.

I started to have severe cramps and I temporarily blacked out. All of these memories started to flash in front of me. I heard Nate's voice and I came to but still having flashes, in his arms.

"Alex, talk to me. Alex!" He said.

"She's dead. Kat is dead." I said in a fog. I wanted to say and do one thing but I was doing the opposite.

"Well boys, it looks like my queen has finally woken up." I heard a voice say. I know that voice. He haunts my dreams.

"Hey, you and your posse needs to step out of here. This is a private party." Our principal said on the mic.

"Alex, get up. We have to get out of here now!" Nate said helping me up.

I looked up at him. He felt different to me. I was having these confusing feelings. One feeling was good and the other was bad. There was more bad feelings then the good.

"Alexandra, snap out of it!" Nate said trying to get me to pay attention. I couldn't help it. There were so many different things I was feeling and seeing in my head all at once.

I turned over to face the doors that led out to the lobby to see a familiar face that went with the voice. It was that guy Lyra introduced me to at the drive in. I think his name was Dimetri. Wait, I get it now. He's a vampire.

"You humans are pathetic!" Dimetri said looking around the room.

"If you don't take your friends and leave buddy, I will call security." The principal said.

"I will leave once I have my queen." Dimetri's eyes said narrowing on me.

"Alex, come on we have to go, now!" Nate said dragging me off the stage.

"Kill everyone and bring me my queen boys, and leave Lyra for me. My queen won't be able to leave a friend behind." I thought I heard Dimetri say as mass panic and confusion started in the ballroom.