Time to Dance

Making It Work

"I trust you." I said looking into Nate's eyes. They looked so tired and worn from worry.

"How can you say that after what I have become?" Nate asked.

"Because you are still you. I don't care if you have fangs or not. Frankly, I think it is rather sexy, especially when you flash them defending me." I grinned.

"Alexandra..." I didn't let Nate finish.

"Nate, you are now my watcher. I trust you with my life. I know you will keep me safe at all costs. You won't let this interfere. I see it in your eyes. I feel it in your touch. I know how much you love me. You would never ever deliberatly do anything to hurt me. You are not my father. He hurt my mother in the past and even though they knew they were meant to be and had trials, mom always forgave him. He always was worried about hurting my mother and at times it caused so many problems.

I don't want that for us. You are not my dad. When I see you, I see a handsome, smart, funny, reliable guy who would do anything for his friends, and the one who holds the key to my heart. Do you remember how your parents met?" I laughed.

"How could I forget. Mom used to tell me on all my past dates, "No touching, No kissing, No biting, etc.." Nate smiled. It was nice to see him back to his normal self.

"The point was when your mother and father first met, only Brendon was a vampire but they made it work." I said.

"So you think we can make it work too." Nate replied.

"Yes. I do." I said leaning in to kiss him.

One thing led to another and we started making out on the couch. "I can't do this." Nate said pulling away from me yet again.

"What now?" I said rolling my eyes.

"I can't do this to you. Alex, I know you. You want to wait until you are married or at least I know you aren't ready to have sex right now." Nate said taking me off guard.

"Who said anything about sex and wait, what? How are we on this discussion?" I asked confused.

"You know we were going to have this conversation eventually whether I was alive or not. I don't want to hurt you." Nate said shocking me.

"Nate, whether I want to have sex or not is my decision. Who says I want to wait but then again who says it has to be tonight?" I asked.

"I know I just thought...nevermind. What I am trying to get at is I don't want to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do. Besides, I am not exactly the hero you think I am." Nate replied.

"Psh, if you are talking about not being a virgin anymore I kinda already knew that." I laughed.

"How did you know? I never told you." Nate said.

"Please, you are a guy and you thought that you were so in love with Candie, last year remember? I mean I wasn't totally sure you had lost it but I figured." I said.

"It wasn't Candie. It was Stacey." Nate said embarrased.

"What? No way!! Wasn't she the one who dumped you like two weeks after you guys went out?" I asked.

"Consider it payback for all the other girls I mistreated." Nate said looking away.

"Nathaniel Urie." I said giggling. "You were a man whore." I laughed.

"Hey, I only slept with two girls out of all the others I dated. Let's count how many Dean has slept with." Nate fired back at me.

"Oh that makes me feel a whole lot better." I smiled.

"Look, had I not been so stupid and realized that you have been in front of me this whole time, then maybe I would have saved myself for you. I saw you too late." Nate said regretting all of his past dating mistakes.

"Hey, you couldn't have known. We always treated each other as the best of friends. We were both too scared and proud I guess to admit how we really feel about each other. After you broke up with Candie I kept hoping you would ask me out. Kayla even bugged the crap out of me but I was too afraid of losing you as my friend as close as we were to ask you out. Then there was Dean." I sighed.

"Well, I am glad we both had this little chat." Nate smiled.

"Good. I am too." I smiled as we kissed.