Time to Dance

No Scar But The Damage Has Been Done

I woke up startled and sat up in bed. My eyes had to get used to the brightness of the room. I saw so much I didn't want to see.

"Alex, are you ok?" I heard Nate's voice say, snapping me out of a trance.

All I could do was look at Nate. I felt different. Last night was a blur.

"Alex. Alex can you hear me?" I heard a voice say in my head and it wasn't Nate's voice.

"Dean." I said aloud.

"Alex, Dean's not here. You have been saying his name alot now." Nate said as he looked at me confused and hurt.

I looked down at my arm wrapped up in bandages and remembered what occured last night. I remember it feeling as if it was on fire. I started to rip off the bandages totally ignoring Nate who was trying to talk to me. The wound was completely healed and there was no scar. How odd considering I have a scar from Nate's bite which is smaller then the werewolf gash.

I remembered staring into the eyes of that werewolf that caused me so much pain. They belonged to Dean. And now Dean was in my head. I could sense him much as I can with Nate. Just great, I now have to ward off a werewolf who thinks he can control me. This explains why he had become so different.

Then there were the flashes from my dreams. They were violent. Dean had given me insight on the history of how the werewolves and vampires war has raged this long; each wanting to dominate over the other. But I knew better. Dean may think he is on a good cause but his pack are killers. I saw it with my own eyes.

Werewolves kill people too and for sport. Granted they may not drink people's blood but they are no better. Their leader is who scares me and I understand now that this is not just a war against vampires for them; it is a war against humanity to be the superior race and their weapon is me. I shook at the thought.

"Alex, I can communicate to you now. I know where you are..." Dean said before Nate cut in.

"Alex, can you hear me? What's going on in that head of yours? I'm really worried." Nate said in my thoughts.

"Everyone stop!" I screamed in my head. "Leave me alone!" I yelled again. I was so angry. How could Dean do this to me.

"Whoa, Alex, what's going on?" Nate said touching my arm and bringing me back to reality.

I looked at him worried. "It's Dean. He was in my head." I said.

"Dean did this to you? Dean was the werewolf? He is a werewolf?" Nate asked angry and upset figuring it out.

"Yes. But I think I blocked him from my thoughts the same way I can you." I sighed.

"I'm going to kill him." Nate said standing up.

"No, Nate, you can't. He is your best friend." I said getting up cautiously.

"Not anymore. In case you haven't noticed vampires hate werewolves and he is definately a werewolf and on top of that I am sure the feeling is mutual with him." Nate angrily said.

"Nate," I grabbed his arm, "I saw things." "I saw things I want to forget. I am like a prize to them. I am stuck in the middle of their war with the vampires and I can't choose a side. They are both evil. How come Dean doesn't realize that? Why did he do this to me? Now he has the same ability you have over me." I said angrily and letting tears fall.

"I'm not going to let him or any werewolf harm you. I promise. This will end tonight." Nate said pulling me close.

"You can't harm Dean. I am not taking up for him but you guys were best friends." I said pulling away. "Maybe there is a way to save him." I said.

"You can't save a werewolf." Nate rolled his eyes.

"How do you know? Once I kill the vampire who sired you, won't you become normal again? It worked for my dad and your mom and dad." I replied.

"That's different." He huffed.

"Nathaniel Urie, I know you are not jealous of a werewolf." I scolded him.

"It's Dean. Now that we know what he is and he has some form of power over you, he won't stop until he lures you to their side. That is what I am worried about." Nate said.

"I'm scared but I am also a stubborn fighter. I mean look at you. I ignore half the crap you tell me to do." I tried to laugh.

"That may be true but he will not give up. He will call for you and when your guard is down, that is when he will strike. I don't want to lose you." Nate said pulling me close.

I looked back at my arm again. "My wound is completely healed." I replied.

"You worried us last night. You ran such a high fever but you fought it off. I guess the slayer ability in you kicked in." Nate smiled pulling a strand of my hair back behind me ear.

"Nate, why do I not have a scar? I mean your bite marks left a slight scar that you can't tell unless you really look for it but still its there." I sighed.

"Well, this wasn't a bite mark but a deep surface scratch that made a wound. I can't answer that." Nate replied gazing into my eyes.

"Nate, I have to talk to Dean." I replied.

"Absolutely not! That is out of the question. Are you crazy?" Nate asked.

"I have to get through to him. Maybe I can get Dean on our side. I mean his parents are worried sick about him and they have to know." I said.

"You are not to go anywhere near Dean do you understand me?" Nate said as an order.

"Nate, I will see him again sooner or later." I reasoned.

"Promise me you will wait on this for now." Nate said softly looking into my eyes. How could I not say no to those warm, inviting eyes of his that made me feel safe.

"I promise." I said knowing that I would see Dean soon whether or not Nate liked it or not.