Time to Dance

The Waiting Game

We arrived at the hospital and Nate did his thing. Not one person in that ER asked about Dean's attack or why he may have silver in his bloodstream. I was happy that Nate did this, yet I knew Dean wasn't out of the woods yet.

I exhaustedly sat down in the waiting room chair. My body wasn't tired from fighting. I was tired from worrying and arguing. Nate hadn't spoke a word to me since we got into the car.

"I called Erelin who told everyone. They should be here anytime now." Will replied sitting next to me and hugging my shoulder.

Nate was pacing back and forth in the room. I knew he was mad at me. There was no denying it but he had to realize that I was not losing friends. My mom faught long and hard to protect everyone that she loves and now that I have inherited the slayer gift, I intend to do the same even if it kills me. There is always a choice for what is right and wrong. This was the right thing to do. Besides if Nate pulls through, he is one more valuable team member who I welcome with open arms.

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes for a minute. I was trying to block out all of the hospital noise around me. That's when I felt it; two cold hands touched mine.

"Are you ok?" Nate asked as I opened my eyes. Before I could answer I heard everyone pile into the ER.

"Where's my son?" Bev asked .

"He is in surgery." Will answered for me.

"I don't understand. How did this happen?" Joe asked.

"I didn't get to tell her yet. Sorry Alexandra." Erelin shrugged.

I watched as Bev, Joe, and Josh sat down waiting for me to explain. For the first time, I couldn't find the right words to say. How do I explain that their son is a werewolf? How do I tell them that it is my fault he was stabbed?

"Dean is a werewolf." Nate began. Why is he doing this? He doesn't like Dean anymore.

I sat there for a few minutes and then got up. It was my fault that Dean was here in the hospital. If I hadn't met him then he might still be safe. I broke my promise to Nate and I feel terrible. I just knew that Dean would have never listened to me if I told him in our thoughts about Jake. I had to see him in person to warn him. How was I to know that Jake was watching his every move, waiting for me? Dean got hurt and could die from protecting me.

I walked around the front of the hospital when I felt a familiar feeling. Dad? Could he be here?