I Wanna Be Your Dog.


I immediately inquired about Eric. Donna and Mrs. Forman had a look of sorrow on their faces. Donna bit her lip; Mrs. Forman looked uneasy.

"Oh for Christ sake! Eric went to Africa to become a teacher! It's not like he died!" Red shouted, allowing me the comfort of knowing my dorky friend was alive.

"Yeah, but still...I miss that dork," Donna seemed really down.

"Well, honey, you can take Eric's room. Or Laurie's, if you please. Whichever makes you the most comfortable. Also, you should know, Steven is living with us now," Kitty explained, smiling at me.

"Wow...thanks a lot, Mrs. Forman! What's for dinner?" I pondered, smiling sweetly.

"Chicken, corn and mashed potatoes! Oh, and my all-time best gravy! Now, go get settled in and washed up. Relax, you're home now,"

Finally, I did feel comfortable here. I knew these people would love me and care for me. Plus, Hyde was living here! I wouldn't be alone...

I packed my things upstairs in Eric's room. I loved how it was still the same as I last remembered it. I decided I would go greet Hyde with our favorite thing to do. Smoke pot.

Making my way to the basement, I felt a wave of familiarity wash through me. Home, I thought. This was where it was at. Where people cook you supper, rescue you from evil people...and smoke some good weed with you!

"Woah! RITA?! HOLY SHIT!" I knew it was no one other than Michael Kelso. The goofiest, greatest-looking guy I know. He enveloped me in a huge bear hug. It felt great to have someone hug me; not to hit me.

"When did you get here? How long you gonna be here? Have you met Fez?" Kelso asked me a ton of questions, which I happily answered,

"Kelso, I got here just now, and I'm staying forever. Yes, I met Fez that last time I came to visit. Remember, graduation?"

He looked like he sort of clued in, but still looked somewhat confused.

"Well, Hyde still remembers, 'cause he's got a big cru-" Kelso was interrupted by Hyde smacking him in the face.

"Nice to see you, Rita. You ready to smoke a blunt?"

We all sat in a circle, listening to Hyde's Led Zeppelin records, toking long and hard on that blunt. While we all got to catch up, I rolled another fatty. Hyde seemed majorly impressed with my rolling skills.

"When it's all you can do to escape my parents, it's the thing you excel in the most. I can teach you how to roll one-handed if you want."

Now, everyone was impressed. They all wanted to know my wisdom. I began telling them about the parties I went to every night I ran away. How much drugs I had dabbled with. By the time I told them about my parents abusing me, Eric's mother called us up for dinner.

Instead of eating in the kitchen tonight, we all ate in the dining room. Kelso and Fez were invited to eat with us. Donna and Bob, her father, also joined us. I sat right in front of Hyde and next to Fez. Fez kept whispering lame pick-up lines in my ear.

Cheesy as they were, it was hilarious. Hyde seemed pretty angry by the fact that Fez was hitting on me. I guess what Kelso was going to say was that Steven had huge crush on me. I really hoped so, because ever since I last saw him, he grew up quite a bit.

Last summer, I came over to the Forman's for three days. My parents were going to Canada for drug related problems, so they dropped me off. It just so happened that the gang was graduating. I had already dropped out the year before.

No one knew because I had told them I graduated the first term. They all bought it...

Hyde had looked really sexy that day with his grad robes and hat. I was very, very proud of him. His mother always told him that he'd amount to nothing...but I always believed in Hyde.
