Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 10

Adam's POV:
Oh Orton, you have know idea what is about to come your way. Since my sister refuses to listen to reason, I'm going to have to just take her away from you. She may not come willingly, but that doesn't matter. I've got enough help to pull this off and you will lose your precious Alexus forever. Ready to put my plan into action, I pull out my phone dialing a number.
" Hey, Jericho, it's Adam. I need your help with something." I said.
"Let me guess. Does this have something to do with your sister and Orton." Jericho asked.
"Of course it does! Anyway, I do not want my sister with him. As of now I hate her, but that still doesn't mean I'm going to allow her to be with him. She does what I say whether she likes it or not." I sneered.
"Okay. So, what do you need my help with? What's your plan?" Jericho asked.
"My plan is to force her into marrying someone else. I already know Randy left the house, so Alexus is all by herself. The plan is to go in there and grab her from behind and take her away. I was going to take her to my house in Canada but that would be too obvious. So, I rented a place in Puerto Rico and that's where we'll be. I already took time off now you have to as well, in order for this to work." I replied, smirking.
"Wow, that's actually a pretty good plan." Jericho replied, shocked. "Okay, I'll call Vince for the time off and I'll meet you at your house."
"Okay, hurry it up though. If we take too long Orton may get there before us and we can't let that happen." I replied, hanging up the phone, as I walk up the stairs to start packing.
An hour later Jericho's car finally pulls into the driveway and I walk outside to meet him with my luggage.
"It's about damn time Jericho! You could have ruined my plan!" I yelled, throwing my luggage into my Hummer." I sneered.
"Well sorry, I had to pack to ya know!" Jericho replied, putting his luggage into the Hummer as well.
"Whatever, let's just go." I stated, getting into the Hummer and starting it.
A half hour later we arrive at Randy's house. Thankfully he isn't home yet, so my plan will still work. Jericho is lucky he didn't mess everything up, otherwise he would have hell to pay as well as Randy. As I shut the Hummer of an get ready to get out, Jericho interrupts me.
"Hey, before we go grab her, how the hell are we going to get her on a plane to Puerto Rico? It's gonna be a little suspicious if she's blindfolded and taped up going onto a flight." Jericho asked.
"Easy. Private jet. Nothing to worry about like on a regular flight. No one will even see her and there will be a rental car waiting for us at the airport in Puerto Rico." I replied, getting out of the car. "Grab everything we need so we can get this done quickly.
Once Chris grabbed the tape, rope and blindfold we walked up to the front door. Of course it was locked, but not a problem considering I know how to pick locks. When I finally had the door open, we quietly made our way inside. I didn't see Alexus so she was probably upstairs. Walking upstairs, I saw Alexus asleep on the bed. Moving quickly Chris had her blindfolded and a piece of tape over her mouth. That was when Alexus started struggling.
"Adam! A little help over here!" Jericho yelled.
I walked over to Jericho and tied Alexus' feet together while Jericho tied her hands.
"Now Alexus, stop struggling and I'll take the blindfold off." I said, sitting beside her.
After a few minutes Alexus finally gave up and stopped struggling. Once she calmed down, I removed the blindfold and she stared at me wide eyed.
"Now Alexus, this is for your own good. I will untie your hands in just a minute, but you have to write a note to Randy. I already wrote it, but you have to write it in your own hand writing." I said, peeling the tape off her mouth so she could talk.
"Go to hell Adam!" Alexus spat.
Angrily, I slapped her across the face. "Listen you little brat, you will do as I tell you, or I will kill your precious Randy, do you understand me." I screamed.
"You don't have the guts to hurt Randy and you know Randy would hurt you before you even lay a finger on him." She spat.
"Do you really want to gamble with Randy's life?" I sneered as she shook her head no. "Good, now write the damn note!"
Dear Randy,
I'm sorry, but I just can't take it anymore. I can't stand the fact that my own brother hates me. He's basically the only family I have left. So, I decided to save you the trouble and I'm leaving town. You don't have to worry, you will never see or hear from me again, so I won't cause you any trouble. I hate the fact that I'll be hurting you by leaving, but it's for the best. I can't stand Adam hurting you or trying to hurt you. If I stay it will just be a never ending cycle. I just want you to remember that I love you Randy. I'm doing this to protect you. I love you.
Love, Alexus.
"There. Happy now?" Alexus sneered.
"Very!" I laughed. "While you were writing the note, Chris here packed your stuff to save some time. Now leave the note on the pillow and let's go!" I demanded.
Quickly Chris and I dragged Alexus and her luggage to the Hummer throwing her inside and speeding to the airport. Within 20 minutes we arrive at the airport and quickly get onto the private jet.
"Alexus, this is about a 4 hour flight, so why don't you get some sleep?" I suggested.
"Whatever." Alexus replied, leaning back against the seat, quickly falling asleep.
Randy's POV:
"Come on Cody, I have to figure out something!" I yelled angrily, punching the wall.
"Calm down dude. Why don't you just call Alexus and tell her your staying her and we'll think of something when Ted gets here?" Cody suggested.
"Fine." I replied, pulling out my phone and dialing the house phone.
After a few rings the phone went to the answering machine and I quickly leave a message explaining that I'm staying at Cody's to work out the situation with Adam. I wonder where she is? She normally always answers.