Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 11

Randy's POV:
Cody and Ted were sitting in the living room rambling on about plans to deal with Adam. But, I just couldn't focus. All I could think about was where Alexus could be. I called over four hours ago and she still hasn't called me back. That's not like her.
"Randy!" Cody yelled. "Are you even listening to a word we're saying"
"Sorry man. I'm just worried about Alexus. I left that message over four hours ago and she still hasn't called me back" I replied, staring at my phone hoping it would ring.
"I'm sure she's fine Randy. She's probably just hanging out with her friends. You know how close they are." Ted replied, patting me on the back.
"Yeah you're right. Okay, so what were you guys saying?" I asked, leaning back in my seat.
"Well, basically from what we can come up with is to just eliminate Adam completely." Cody replied.
"I don't know about that. I know deep down Lex still cares about Adam even after everything he's done to her so far." I answer.
"Well, I don't see what other options we have." Ted replied.
Adam's POV:
After a long four hour flight we finally land in Puerto Rico. Once the plane lands I shake Alexus awake and drag out of the plane and over to the rental car while Jericho grabs our luggage. Once everything was loaded into the rental, I blindfolded Alexus once again and we drove to the rental house.
"Come on Lex, we're here." I said, grabbing her arm and yanking her out of the car.
"And where is here exactly?" Alexus sneered.
"That, I cannot tell you!" I answered, dragging her into the house. "You will not know where you are, and you are not allowed to leave this house unless it is with Chris or I. Do you understand?'
"I don't have to listen to you!" Alexus screamed.
Fed up I slap her hard across the face. " Why Alexus? Is it really so hard for you to listen?" I sneered.
"Why should I listen to you?" She cried.
"Because, I'm doing this for your own good!" I yelled, bringing her up to her room.
"How is taking me away from the man I LOVE helping me?" Alexus questioned.
"Just trust me Lex. You'll thank me for your husband later on." I smirked.
"What husband?" Alexus questioned. "I don't have a husband!"
"Not yet. But, I will find you the perfect husband." I grinned, shutting the bedroom door and locking it from the outside. "And don't try screaming or banging the room is sound proof!"
Alexus' POV
I can't believe Adam would sink this low. I hope Randy will forgive me, it's not like I had much of a choice in the matter. Maybe Randy will notice something is wrong and come and find me. Not that he'd have much luck considering I don't even know where I am. It can't be anywhere too obvious because Adam isn't that stupid. I guess I'll just sleep since I can't even leave the room.
Adam's POV:
I can't believe how easy this was. Oh Randy, you aren't very smart leaving Alexus by herself. I mean anyone could just break in and take her, kind of like I did. Thankfully Orton isn't smart enough to figure out where we are and Lex has no clue. My thoughts were then interrupted by Chris.
"So, who are you gonna have marry her?" Chris asked sitting down with a beer.
"Honestly, I have no idea. I mean any guy would want to marry her, it's just a matter of who I want to marry her. It has to be someone good though. That's all I know." I replied, staring out the window.
"Yeah, that narrows it down so much." Chris replied sarcastically.
"I do know one thing though. She won't be marrying you." I laughed.
"Whatever." Chris replied walking up the stairs to his room.
I finish off my drink and head upstairs as well. It's late and I have a long day tomorrow dealing with Alexus and starting the search for her husband. She will marry him whether she likes it or not.
Randy's POV:
It's 2am and I'm pacing the kitchen at Cody's house while Ted is glaring at me.
"Randy, seriously, I'm sure she's fine." Ted sighed.
"How do you know?" I snapped.
"Look, maybe she stayed at her friends house. You know they like to go out so they all probably crashed at one of their houses." Ted answered. " In the morning we'll head over to your house and see what's going on. Okay?"
"Fine. I'm gonna go get some sleep. And sorry for snapping at you Ted. I just worry about her with everything that's going on with Adam." I replied as I walked up the stairs.
God, I miss Alexus so much. I can't wait to see her tomorrow. I just hope she's okay.