Status: In Progress.

The Viper Strikes

Chapter 12

Adam's POV
The next morning as we're waiting for Alexus to wake up, Chris and I start planning who we are going to have marry Alexus.
"Hey Adam, I just thought of something." Chris said, excitedly.
"Well, spit it out Jericho!" I yelled, sitting down.
"Fine, God! Anyway, why don't you have Batista marry her? I mean Batista and Orton hate each other so it would be perfect!" Chris replied.
"Ya know Jericho. I actually think that's a great idea." I replied picking up my phone and dialing Batista's number.
"What?" Batista grumbles.
"Hey, it's Adam. Listen, I need a huge favor from you." I replied.
"Why the hell would I wanna do anything for you." Batista asked.
"Trust me you'll like it." I smirked.
"Fine. What is it?" Batista demanded.
"You know my sister. Well I need you to marry her. I refuse to allow her to marry Orton. Anyway, I have her and we're in Puerto Rico. So, how soon can you get here?" I asked.
"You're lucky this involves pissing Orton off and marrying your hot sister. I'm booking the flight now. I'll be there at 2pm." Batista answered hanging up the phone.
"Perfect." I said to Jericho, walking out of the room.
Quickly I walk up the stairs to get Alexus up. She's obviously just going to sleep all day, but I can't allow that. She has a wedding to attend later today...hers! She may hate me at first for this but she'll get over it and eventually thank me for this.
Randy's POV:
The second I woke up I started running around Cody's house trying to get ready. I still haven't heard from Alexus so now I know something is wrong. She would have called me back or at least texted me to let me know she got my message and was okay. Cody and Ted woke up soon after I did and decided to come with me to the house. When we got to the front steps I knew something was wrong because the front door was partially open. I run into the house and up the stairs to find the bedroom empty except for a note on the bed. Slowly, I walk over to the bed and pick up the note and begin reading it:
Dear Randy,
I'm sorry, but I just can't take it anymore. I can't stand the fact that my own brother hates me. He's basically the only family I have left. So, I decided to save you the trouble and I'm leaving town. You don't have to worry, you will never see or hear from me again, so I won't cause you any trouble. I hate the fact that I'll be hurting you by leaving, but it's for the best. I can't stand Adam hurting you or trying to hurt you. If I stay it will just be a never ending cycle. I just want you to remember that I love you Randy. I'm doing this to protect you. I love you.
Love, Alexus.
As I finish reading the note tears are falling from my eyes and Ted and Cody walk in the room.
"Randy, what's wrong?" Cody asked, sitting on the bed next to me.
"She's gone. All that's here is this note." I replied, handing them the note so they can read over it.
"I don't know Randy. This doesn't seem like her. You know she was happy with you, so why would she just up and leave?" Ted asked, handing back the note.
"You're right. And the front door was open....Damnit, I'll kill him!" I yelled, punching the wall.
"Who?" Ted and Cody asked.
"Adam." I replied, storming donwstairs, picking up the phone and dialing Adam's number.
"Hola, Ortonl Long time no hear" Adam laughed.
"Funny asshole. Where the hell is Alexus. And don't lie to me because I know you had something to do with her disappearing. " I seethed.
"Why Orton, I have no idea what you're talking about." Adam said. "Anyway, gotta go. Bye Orton.
"He's dead when I find him." I said.
Adam's POV:
"Come on Lex. Move faster we have stuff to do and you better have that dress on!" I yelled up the stairs.
"I'm coming, God Adam. And why do I have to wear this dress?" Alexus asked.
"Oh, you'll find out." I replied, dragging her out to the car.
Once I got her into the car we headed to the airport. This is going to be an interesting day. Once we pick up Dave, we're heading to the courthouse where Alexus with become Mrs. Alexus Batista. She just doesn't realize it yet. Finally, after what seemed like forever, with Jericho's slow driving we arrived at the airport where Dave was waiting for us.
"Hey Dave, thanks for doing this man. I really appreciate it." I said.
"No problem. I'll enjoy this." Dave replied, getting into the car.
"What's he doing here?" Alexus sneered.
"Oh you'll find out." I replied. "Jericho, drive to the courthouse and this time drive faster!"
"Your wish is my command." Jericho smirked, slamming on the gas peddle.
Within 20 minutes we were at the courthouse.
"Adam, seriously, what the hell are we doing here?" Alexus asked irritated.
"Well my dear Alexus, today you are marrying Dave." I smirked.
"Like hell I am!' She screeched.
"Oh you will, otherwise I will kill Randy, do you understand me?" I asked.
"Fine, just please, don't hurt Randy." Alexus pleaded.
Once Alexus and Dave were officially married, the first part of my plan is complete. Now to move on to the next part. Back at home Alexus was upstairs pissed off at us and refused to let Dave touch her. While she was being a stubborn brat we were talking about the next part of my plan.
"Okay, now that you guys are married, it's time to move on to the next part of the plan." I smirked.
"And what would that be?". Dave asked, taking a sip off of his beer.
"Getting into Orton's head about this. We're basically already there. But it would help if Alexus got pregnant. That would piss Randy off so bad, knowing that she's having your baby." I laughed.
"Yeah, the only problem is Alexus won't let me anywhere near her." Dave sighed.
"We'll figure something out tomorrow. For now let's just get some rest and I'll figure everything out, since clearly I'm the one that's going to be doing all the work." I replied as they walked up the stairs to bed.
Randy's POV:
As I lay in bed that night all I can think about is Alexus. God I miss her so much. I swear when I find out where Adam has her he is going to pay severely. I just hope he doesn't hurt her. Finally, after fighting off sleep for a few hours, I allow myself to drift off to sleep and dream once again of my Alexus.